Micro Bikini
Published on 29 Jan 2023 / In
Film & Animation
One trick ponies
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I often joke that women apparently think that men in male dominated fields show up, do an hour of hour of work, then kick back and smoke cigars, drink whiskey and gossip about women for seven hours. Since most of their work day is wasted nonsensically like this I realized it's their solipsism driving that view.
Itty bitty tiny winy itsy bitsy bikini: I have some thoughts: It's not that the bikini got smaller-- well the majority is the women got larger and well... you see there were clothing shortages and the Plandemic and Lockdowns... hmmm we just threw something together that did not look like rags... The sad thing... how long until they put these extra small micro bikini's on prepub girls if they are not already....
Second, women can't be plumbers? Please man, women are the original plumbers. They carry their own plumbing, and they know how to shove thins in and pull them out! I do not know why they claim not to like the smell of shit: I mean they take it in the ass, lick it off, and eat out ass so much... I bet the smell of shit reminds them of how slutty and shitty a whore they truly are. That smell breaks their illusion er schizophrenic episode i mean.
What would you call this then SoloMan?
Even the micro bikini isn't as attractive as it used to be. I guess the femons aren't as attractive as they used to be. The harder they try to be objectified, the more I'm compelled to ignore them.
Whilst femons have their MENOPAUSE, we Guy's have the MANOSPHERE, bare that in mind when a femon freaks out at you! lol!