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Microsoft Pays Women & Minorities More Than White Men - MGTOW

Published on 08 Mar 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Chris Whalen CPA

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. This is the second of three videos I'm putting together for him. I recently came across this graphic about the state of diversity & inclusion in Microsoft and they mention that as of September 2023 rewards eligible minoritity groups and women will early $1007 dollars compared to only $1000 earned by reward-eligible male employees with the same job title. This accounts for 99.8% of the global Microsoft workforce. I don't know what rewards eligible means. Maybe it has something to do with bonuses for hard work. But what I do know is that it looks like Microsoft has drank the woke koolaid. This is technically illegal to pay one race or gender more than any other but the government looks the other way because it too has been infiltrated by gender and race ideologues. While this is outrageous I think that shortly it won't matter because technological unemployment is almost here. From what I've been reading and seeing artificial general intelligence is only a year or two away. So all those people playing wage gap games are just re-arranging deck chairs on the gender equality Titanic. Instead of focusing on who earns more we should be focusing on accumulating as many assets as quickly as possible while living as cheaply as possible because this game of financial musical chairs is about to come to an end when automation and AI make most of us unemployable. The assets you've built up along with your family, houses, tech stocks, Bitcoin will need to last and will as technological deflation becomes rampant. Those with assets will do better and better as the purchasing power of those assets continues to rise relative to the cost of the things that you can buy. Look at the rampant layoff from the big tech firms. The layoffs aren't happening because AI is replacing people. That comes later. First companies are cutting ESG jobs because they need the resources to invest in hiring new AI focused employees and paying for GPUs from Nvidia. There's an arms race to see who can build it first and it's an all hands on deck sort of thing and anyone wasting time and or money for the Microsoft ship will be thrown overboard. We are seeing that now. Then once AGI is adequate enough to replace workers the majority of the people that created it will get laid off. Then that's going to rolled out by the company that does it first to other non tech companies. I don't care what race and gender you are. In the end most if not all of us become unemployed and that's what people in power don't want us to know about. Instead they want us debating what type of crotch fruit we have and skin color while they conquer the real battle. That's also why the men going their own way philosophy was demonetized on YouTube and ripped off of Reddit. Because it freed men's time up to double our income while simultaneously doubled the amount of money we could save because with didn't have a wife in our life. Because it allows us to build up assets at a crucial period in time and if we don't do that now we won't have the same opportunity later once twenty, thirty, forty plus percent of the population is technologically unemployed. Even if you're one of the so called lucky fifty, sixty, seventy percent of people that still have a job our income will go down because there will be more competition for the remaining jobs. People are going to revolt against what's going on. Just recently they burned a Waymo car to ashes in San Francisco. We could be seeing a neo-luddite movement forming soon. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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Anticuck82 11 months ago

WOW ... did MenorahMan finally woke up from that matrix??? one can only dream

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sauger1001 11 months ago

4:15. NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, made by human hands, is unstoppable (Jer. 10:23).

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Bill Gates the Faggoty Kiddy Fucking Mass Murderer,
And a whole heap of Fuckwit Feminists - who can't code.....

Stands to reason why their software is so totally shit.

Oh did I say LINUX?


Yeah LINUX.....

Fuck Microsoft.

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perfection9669 11 months ago

True, I am a programmer. All of the American woman I've met can't code yet get more money then me doing nothing all day. Usually they are QA's and they can't even write a basic test script. Then they fuck Mr.Patel the manager and get to be a Director of IT.The only woman Ive met who can actually code came from India and Ukraine.

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perfection9669 11 months ago

Also the corporate simps go around bragging about how bright, wise, and knowledgable they are. Yet these same people lay off real programmers when profits are down and bitch, moan, and cry when they can't find any programmers willing to work in the office which Microsoft is requiring.

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silverkinguk27 11 months ago

Diversity and Inclusion policies I bet..

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