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Migtown Episode 064 Drexel vs Ahegao Face

Published on 18 Feb 2022 / In News & Politics

⁣Migtown Podcast Episode 064: Drexel vs Ahegao Face

This week, Drex The Grim Lord to chat about all things naughty and anime. We talk about the proliferation of pr0n addiction and how pr0n is ruining relationships, how less women and men are having sex, what the number of men checking out is telling us, the trap of Asian women, and much more!

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KEEPER 3 years ago

the part in this video that talks about how your average women in the terms of her looks as porn goes, i didn't always have that issue, however there was a time when i deprived myself of porn and i tried to do the "nofap" lifestyle, i was very religious at the time and i was trying to become closer to god, but i was plagued by wet dreams like no other, i hated wakening up with my sperm in my boxers but the dream was always amazing.

but eventually i was finding very unattractive women attractive and i just had to stop, i remember thinking if this offends god, then he's just going to have to forgive me because i can't live this nofap crap without going insane over ugly fat women, i'm not a chubby chaser and never will be, i can't even stand these women who everyone refers to as Thick, i find the thick women nasty as fuck, but when i was fap deprived i couldn't care less, if it had tits and a vagina i was interested.

so then i want back to the fappening because i was going crazy and i really didn't want to end up in a situation where i fucked a women who was ugly and nasty as fuck.

nowadays, my drive has slowed down to a degree that i can finally focus on things outside of sexual gratification, i actually prefer not always being bombarded by the need for releasing my poison all the damn time. i still jerk but just not nearly as often which is just fine as i can fill that void with other things i'm into.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

oh the memories of looking for porn lol, my experience was just like grims, looking through the channels with static tities, but mostly you could hear the moaning and you had to pay for it to get a clear picture, but you couldn't pay because you had no money and you were just a 12 year old and your parents blocked such stuff.

i also got lucky in finding porn, i was walking near my local convenient store and on the ground i found a rippled out page of some porn, and man i cherished that page for a really long time, i grew up in a religious family that suppressed anything and everything that had nudity in it so that page was in my possession for a long while, i stored it in my vent within a small cardboard box just to keep it away from being discovered.

a few years later i made a friend who's parents were super lax in what their kids looked at, i remember being so jealous because in his family it was considered normal and natural.

anyway he ended up lending me some of his magazines for a little while, him and i ended up building a tree house where we hid our porn so we would always have it but in the tree house.

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

Hope you enjoy the show, don't forget to sub to The Migtown Podcast!

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