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Mike Mentzer’s Chest Workout | Day 1 of Four Day Routine #mikementzer #bodybuilding #fitness #gym

Published on 21 Sep 2023 / In Sports

And write the word chest. Exercise number one for the pecs will be pec deck for six to 10 reps to failure, and if you don't have access to a PEC deck then flat bench, dumbbell flies, or cable crosses may be substituted directly underneath.

Exercise one write out the word superset and directly underneath that. The number two exercise #2 for the pecs will be the incline press, preferably on a machine such as the Smith Hammer, Icarian, or Nautilus.

If you don't have any machine for the inclined press, you may perform either regular free weight barbell inclined presses or inclined dumbbell presses.

Exercise #2 should be performed for one to three reps, not 6 to 10. One to three reps use a fairly close hand grip. Your hand should be slightly closer than shoulder width.

A super set means two sets, one set of each of two different exercise, where the performance of 1 is followed immediately by the other.


Original music by David Meaker, YouTube creator.

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