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Miniature Jet Fighter Flies 500KM_H

Published on 30 May 2021 / In Film & Animation

⁣Here is an OLD Roastie - From Australia.

Now she has all the impediments of a woman, such as a limited IQ (a bit dumb), and a limited vocabularly (says "Oh Wow" a lot) and has no technical competence ( the fuel [kerosene] is near the engine "Oh Wow" explosions much! Duh. ) or expertise in chemisty, physics, maths, AND she was driving like she had a hang over, instead of the bottle shop was 10 K's away and would be closing in 5 minutes.....

But she is enthusiastic and keen and still likes playing with dollies.....

As most Old Roasties are.

So if you can avoid dry retching your way past her, the chemical blond thatch with the black barbed wire Snatch, and while Eieinsteine she ain't, it's still a pretty good show.

There is a pretty fucking impressive "stunt helicopter" in the middle of it that is just plain frighteningly fast in 3D - in ALL directions - and if you think drones are buzzy shit boxes, I got to thinking if it had a lightened special HMR 0.177 rifle on board with 24/7 sights and selective fire and it was AI run, and just a bit bigger, and it was sent onto a battle field.. This is Sci-Fi Terminator Robots type stuff in real life.

"It is frightening" is about all I can say.

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eldrazi317 4 years ago

Those are awesome! Imagine those things flying about, technically you can have your own little Air Force if armed.

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eldrazi317 4 years ago

I saw those little fuckers at the end, I imagine if they’re quick enough they’d be a pain to shoot down. Especially for the average person...but considering majority of people in western societies are weaponless. Well they’re basically easy targets for such weaponized drones. The same can be said with any crazy fuck with a gun who goes on a shooting spree.

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