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Missing Sub: Former Titan passenger 'couldn't get comfortable with design'

Published on 22 Jun 2023 / In Film & Animation

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bigintol03 2 years ago

You couldn't have paid me enough to get in that fucking thing!

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Well now you have really missed your chance of never getting it to that thing... Haven't you. Lament much.

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"Pop!" as it imploded.....

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OK lets assume that the submarine - has a 9 out of 10 chance of making a successful return journey to the Tittytanic, and back.... and a 1 in 10 chance of going ">>>>pop<<<<<" at the bottom of the ocean. What would be your price to make the trip?

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Personally I would not do it, as it's a LONG way down and I don't like confined spaces with no escape route, and there are plenty of ship wrecks on the beaches and in shallow waters and in waters that can be dived with standard air tanks... AND many of them can be reached in small boats, with an anchor and chain, at very little time, effort and expense, and while it would be nice to see the titanic... for sure... it's kind of like going to the Grand Prix races... at best you can only see a little bit of the track, where as the coverage from the TV cameras, is so much better and all around the track - so getting a look at the wreck would be incredible, but I am happy with the photos....

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bigintol03 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I don't have a price, no amount of money could make me get in that fucking thing

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@bigintol03: But what would you do if you heard the voice of Jesus, and he said, "Get thee to the bottom of the ocean"?

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bigintol03 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Well, first off I have no idea what Jesus sounds like, so I'd probably think that I was being duped, secondly, I'd have to tell the "almighty", if that is in fact him that since he didn't send any pussy my way when I was young, like I begged him for, he can go to the bottom of the ocean himself!

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@bigintol03: You know you could be "The Chosen One" - to restart life on earth in the image of God.... Think of the implosion and disinergration into cellular level fish food, as the more basic and problem free version of becoming DNA for all new life on earth. Won't that be exciting.

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@bigintol03: Jesus oddly enough, sounds exactly like me when I speak in Aramayic - being one of the many languages I speak from one of my many births.

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bigintol03 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I never thought of that!

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sbseed 2 years ago

wanna bet the motors are are made in china along with a conglomerate of crap from a ton of different manufacturers in china....
carbonfiber > steel in regard to holding against pressure without retarding and buckling.
shit design, shit materials, used either wrong or just not installed properly.... i kind of want to see the designs and materials used and how, out of curiosity...

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I can assume to a degree, how it was made.... and the details will come out... but in terms of TENSION and not compression, I watched a docco on the failure of carbon fiber cased solid rocket boosters, that were put on a test stand, and filled with water and pressurised up to their technical bursting point... (details and memory ???) and they were deemed to be flight worthy, because they didn't burst.... but when they were filled with propellant and the rocket took off they more or less unipped and split open - because the carbon fiber, had failed - but not enough to burst... and so the damage was not visible... and that caused the whole testing program and everything to alter..... because of the new information. As far as compression - and as a compost - that and titanium etc... I have NO idea exactly what gave way and why and how... But I do understand at those depths - the pressures are enormous and it's like crushed like a sardine can on a train track, in a split second... You would not even know it... So... A little tin full of sardines they were, on the train tracks of life and out of the blue at 120 Kmh, a ginormous locomotive squishes them FLAT.

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composit not compost....

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sbseed 2 years ago

wow, they even called it titan... i am surprised they didnt call it titanic.
fucking stupid, they diversity hired everyone and built shit...
course they had to make it look fucking gaytarded as well...

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They named is after you, being a greek god and all, and the son of Zeus - "Yeah lets name it after Sbseed and call it Titan." So aren't you lucky.

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