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Misspunnypennie_video_0021 Why dont you just avoid giving people unsolicited advice

Published on 15 Apr 2024 / In Entertainment

In this video https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5wXxFGrjjd/ after talking about her mental illness here, https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/mis....spunnypennie-video-0 and here, https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/mis....spunnypennie-video-0 Len wants to control the narrative and what is said about her. She does not like the suggestions about how to improve herself. It is clear from the comments that some of her followers have begun to figure out that she is using her "mental illness" for profit. She does not understand that you can only control yourself and your own actions. You can not control other people and how they perceive you.

This channel’s focus will be of the pitfalls and virtues of Len Pennie who’s Instagram channel is https://www.instagram.com/misspunnypennie/

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She raises some relevant points about advice giving...

Somewhere in amongst it all might be some honest and useful advice but regardless, she will usually do what comes naturally to her anyway.

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