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Misspunnypennie_video_0023_ Scottishness does not equal whiteness

Published on 16 Apr 2024 / In Entertainment

In this video Len disconnects being Scottish from ethnicity, language, and culture. To her being Scottish is only about living in Scotland. She says this after many video's professing to try to save the Scott's language. I am wondering if she also thinks that Europeans living in China are Chinese, in Japan are Japanese, in Africa are African, In India are Indian, and if living on Cherokee land are Cherokee. Does this make Israelis Palestinian or Palestinians Israeli? Furthermore, this would negate the idea of European colonialism as long as they settled the area in question. I assume her ideology is only being applied to western societies. Rules need to be consistent, or they are not rules they are a discrimination device. In this case she is discriminating against the Scotts and I would say all Europeans.

On a side note I have run out of videos from Len to talk about. (She repeats herself a lot.) So from here on out I will only be posting when she has something new to say.

This channel’s focus will be of the pitfalls and virtues of Len Pennie who’s Instagram channel is

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Hoots - A Wee Lasse with a Bloody Great Boof Head.....
Oddly attractive...

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Toki 9 months ago

She should be exiled to Iran or something. Become harem girl and then complain about how awful Scottish men are. You see because that's what she really wants. To be completely dominated and shut up by a man. She's only talking all this BS because she's upset the local men won't shut her up. Get on it Scottish men. Quit being pussies and take your women back. Or let the Muslims come in and give women what they truly deserve if you can't. You have a feminist dictator in a shiny red suit commie suit now for God's sake. Stop letting Gov exist. Any Scottish men in the police and military are traitors who aren't arresting the female dictator. Shame that the nice features of European women are being bred out of existence as your women breed with Muslims and blacks now. In the future redheads and blondes with beautiful pale skin and real hair will be anime exclusive. Not that this hoe is all that great or anything, just saying she's better than average which is sad because she's only average. She's no Erza Scarlet or anything. I bet Scotland has a female obesity pandemic and everything. That clown makeup isn't helping though. I just like the long red hair and braid. Smear that fakeup off thy face whore. Get off the internet and get in the kitchen for a husband. That's what good respectable women do.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Well, apparently, she does not understand ethnicity nor Scotsman... I mean wearing skirts er quilts is much like the Roman toga, it provides easy access to get your dick out to fuck them wrenches and whores... and it allows your balls to breathe-- from what I heard. Apparently, women don't like moist, stinky balls even though their vags smell like dead fish most of the time...

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Toki 9 months ago

When you're a Highlander with big sword in a kilt and it's a nice breezy day -

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I mean she is oddly built with a big head and a tiny body...

But small shoulders on a woman - are SO nice compared to the MEN in dress's - who have shoulders as wide as a doorway...

It makes the women very fuckable - where as the men - "Oh for fucks sake - spare me the bullshit".

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Hmmmm she has a big head, tiny shoulders and a wee body....

Bobble Head Babe.

If you have any contact with her, ask her to say, "Purple Burglar Alarm"...

And record it....

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