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Misspunnypennie_video_0024_ Im glad I did it but Im exhausted now

Published on 25 Apr 2024 / In Entertainment

In this video Len discusses stalking and I agree that stalking is bad. Her response to it shows many fallacies in feminism. Although she does not say that stalking is a female problem, I would argue in her mind stalking is synonymous with violence against females. So, when she plays the victim and talks about how society needs to do more what I hear is her complaining that women need more protection. She is also a feminist and feminism say women are just as strong and capable as men. That lie is transparent by her demanding big daddy government to protect and take care of the weaker sex, women. Len and feminist are outsourcing their protection to men that have no vested interest in their welfare. The only men that have incentive to protect and take care of them are the men their family. Feminist, being strong and independent women do not want to be tied down and stay home and be taken care of by those men. They demand to go out into the world where they are vulnerable. Instead of realizing their mistake they go to political meetings to cry about being victims to a situation that feminism has created.

She also talks about “stakeholders,” which is not the same thing as a “shareholder.” A “shareholder” owns a piece of something and has a vested interest in its welfare. “Stakeholder” is a communist term that gives power to individuals that have invested nothing into a company, transportation, school, etc. and gives them rights based on using services. Women love the term “stakeholder;” when I hear it, I think freeloader. The communist/socialist/bureaucrats dream is to give power to stakeholders (freeloaders) which just gives them more power and will hasten the demise of western society. The people who do the work and save (shareholders) need compensation or they will walk away from the system, and society will collapse under the weight of the stakeholders/communists/socialists/bureaucrats (freeloaders.)

On a sidenote I have run out of videos from Len to talk about. (She repeats herself a lot.) From here on out I will only be posting when she has something new to say.

This channel’s focus will be of the pitfalls and virtues of Len Pennie who’s Instagram channel is

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I bet your not the only one that would be glad to did it...

She is quite nice.


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