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Modern Harvesting Machines

Published on 08 Feb 2025 / In Film & Animation

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ArgonRaysabre 1 month ago

Big bro...'re all over the map with your videos; I'm baffled by the number of topics on which you touch.


So, I noticed in the video that the harvester tramples some of the rows of cabbage(?) with it's wheels; objectively, an acceptable loss of produce. However...

Why aren't we using levitation/gravity-attenuating vehicles for crop harvesting? I watched a documentary about hidden technologies, and "hovering" vehicles I think, do exist. If a harvesting machine could float above the field-rows, it would surely increase the harvest--the harvester wouldn't roll over crops that the harvesting armature might've missed.

I'll try to find a link to the hidden tech documentary; you're older than me, so I'd definitely like your assessment of the film. I'll admit don't have solid proof, but I intuit the..."regime" is lying about our current technological level.

My apologies for rambling; it seems the highest intellectual discourse I get of late is with you MGTOW brothers online. Again, I'll try to find the video I spoke of, so keep your scanners peeled for notifications.

At any rate, you have a damned good day, wizened.

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ArgonRaysabre 1 month ago

Well, I didn't find the original video, but this video is solely about Victor Grebennikov's work, as opposed to a collage of various tech platforms. Anyway, give me you're insights, big boss.

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ArgonRaysabre 1 month ago

I mean "your" insights. Guzzle too many IPAs tonight, lol. Cheers.

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The cabbages they are running over, are the old leaves and stalks, from the last pass, on the previous rows..... It's like mowing a lawn and running over the dead cut grass as you cut the fresh row.....

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