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Modern Stoicism Weakens You. I have never been a Stoic thought It would help those who are

Published on 03 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

I respect Stoics I dont agree with all they say and think sometimes they are wrong however I also think this guy in the video Andrej also has gotten some things wrong e.g telling men to SIMP with out saying MEN SIMP and disagree with him onnmany things. I thought this might help enlighten myself and others or prove what I knew to be correct. He is Good and says and does good things and then says things that make me question him e.g how he supports Jordan Peterson who is a known traitor to men and a weakling to deal with his Whore of a daugther and a addict.
Fuck Jordan Peterson.

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00:00 Intro
00:24 Modern Stoicism is a Problem
01:02 Concept of Pain
02:53 There is no God
03:55 Find your Voices

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I respect Stoics I dont agree with all they say and think sometimes they are wrong however I also think this guy in the video Andrej also has gotten some things wrong e.g telling men to SIMP with out saying MEN SIMP and disagree with him onnmany things. I thought this might help enlighten myself and others or prove what I knew to be correct. He is Good and says and does good things and then says things that make me question him e.g how he supports Jordan Peterson who is a known traitor to men and a weakling to deal with his Whore of a daugther and a addict.

Fuck Jordan Peterson.

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bigintol03 8 months ago

That was AWESOME...very smart man!

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Furioso 8 months ago

Stoic men don't change the world .Fuck these people ,they're part of the problem we have today .Stoicism means cowardice and narcissism for me ,these people accept everything and just want to live like an animal (consume ,reproduce and die) .We have way too many of these pussies nowadays .Where are the warriors ,the men with visions ,the men with real ambitions ,the men who will do whatever it takes to improve this world not just for their own personal ego but for something bigger ?

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I agree, thank you for your reply and wisdom I was thinking the same thing and wanted to hear if anyone was thinking the same or something I missed, thank you for providing same thinking and sanity. I know a few people who are Stoics and very good smart productive people full of ambition and resolve however like you said most of them are cowardice. GODBLESS AND GOD BE WITH YOU GODSPEED \G/

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red maple
red maple 8 months ago

This guy in the video sets off my con artist alarms like crazy. The state of men must be really poor for so many grifters to appeal to men with these types of messages. He strikes me as the new and more polished andrew twat

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Yeah I thought that same thing from some of his other videos. I think he was around before that FAGGOTT just not as big and has now grown. \G/

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There are clever people every where......

This is good.

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True. However in other videos he has said some really suspect things that make It seem like he is trying to get men back into being slaves then in videos like this he is saying the opposite and remain free, so he is kind of weird and hard to get a read on him figured brothers over here might see something I'm not. Like I said I have seen some of his other videos on JEWTUBE and tried to upload over here however it was the time when MGTOW upload was all broken and not any videos were being allowed to upload. What's your thoughts Stoics are good and some are fucked in the head however I agree that modern Stoicism is a waste. \G/

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: - See I kind of perceive things in shades of grey and more nuanced details..... Like this detail covers the entire issue, when in fact the entire issue is composed of many details. Some details might be a great thing for you, some might be kind of ho-hum and others are the wrong things entirely... Saying stoicisim is GOOD or BAD, is just plain dumb. There are a great many issues, put forward by a great deal of people - under the umbrella, "Stoicism". Some ideas about character and honesty and justice might be really good, as well as avoiding being a shit head or subscribing to the ideas of a shit head....... and the shit heads will say the opposite. Some times some people say a bit of both... AND I put it down to classifying it as one of three things - "Do --- think about for a while or --- NOT do." It can be on the very small scale or it can be the big picture.... Observing the incremental.

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Councilof1 8 months ago

I don't know if I'm a Stoic. I change that which I have the power to change and suffer what I must. It's really all I can do.

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Councilof1 8 months ago

In my opinion many masochist like to say they're Stoic.

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