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Modern Woman SHOCKED By Man's Honesty!

Published on 22 Jul 2024 / In Entertainment
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Starter Picture - Woman with an ancient monkey face and a small head....

Big mouth - peanut brain.


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Stalwart 2 months ago

I wouldn't cheat. Good is good and evil is evil. I'd call it out. I don't deserve evil, and I won't be the cause of it to deserve it.

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Jaygo 2 months ago

Only men can love unconditionally, women can not. which is why a man should NEVER trust a woman more than he does at least 1 close male friend, father, cousin or Brother, etc. She will likely betray you because men are loyal to their principals, she's only loyal to her emotions. Which is why a man should never put his full trust in a woman. The Bible also makes it clear that a man should Always watch the things he tell his wife.gf.
Micah 7:5- keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom
You will Never learn such teaching in the Modern Western feminized Christian church, although these are principle of the bible that is suppose to be taught to men. The Bible, which is a Book to teach and instruct men, have been LONG ago co opted by America and used to teach a feminine doctrine of female worship and pedestalization.

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There was a show on "Dogging" or couples in the UK going to public areas like car parks at night, and meeting up for sex with strangers, and the woman who was right into all this shit said that most women want to be fucked by 2 or 3 guys at a time, but won't admit that to their partners....

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sauger1001 1 month ago

Just like a cat in heat. Lol!

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Fucking the 1100 body bitch bareback?

No fucking way.

Fucking her at all.


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I would not fuck her with a garbage bag stuck up her cunt either...

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