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Modern Women Are FURIOUS Because Men Are Going Their Own Way - It's Hitting Them Where It Hurts

Published on 20 Aug 2024 / In Entertainment
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WMHarrison94 27 days ago

Women are incapable of making men happy. They can give you a happy ending..

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saaralgris 27 days ago

The battle tank ranting about happy wife happy life should realize what she's espousing is conditional, not reciprocal. But see, this is part and parcel why we're walking away in droves....they'll never get it

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WMHarrison94 27 days ago

Happy wife, happy life... butT No wife, happier life!

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Menwalkaway 27 days ago

@WMHarrison94: truth no wife happy life

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usr6874038614 26 days ago

"Happy wife happy life" is an excellent marketing storybrand one-liner made by a woman for other women. However, the male equivalent really drives it home : "No wife awesome life"

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WMHarrison94 26 days ago

@usr6874038614: You think a pus was smart enough for that branding? I suspect it was the Rockefellers who coined it.

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usr6874038614 25 days ago

It does sound like the typical manipulation one can expect from them

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sauger1001 27 days ago

9:10. Just another reason to NOT live with them. NO COHABITATION! Monk Mode is the most peaceful mode, imo.

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WMHarrison94 27 days ago

But we terrorists number one now... for hate crime misogyny too!? Guess we take orders from Sandman... "Hey Mister Sandman, bring me a dream...." a Dream of Freedom... and peace and quiet...

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tekrat 27 days ago

04:55 Not with that face. She looks like the Scream.

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Menwalkaway 27 days ago

Men : We no longer give a shxt about women anymore ...


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