redpills pt 16 - RedKnight

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Modern Women Are Having a Meltdown as 80% of Men Are Not Looking For a Relationship! XD

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Published on 18 May 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Councilof1 9 months ago

The reason 80% of men aren't looking for anything is because there's nothing to be found. If you look for gold your most likely to find fools gold. No sense searching if there's nothing to find.

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Councilof1 9 months ago

I use gold as an analogy for women because it's seen as valuable by many people.

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Councilof1 9 months ago

@Councilof1: At this point I'd rather have a dozen acre's of land to plant and grow animals on. That is true value to me.

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RedKnight 9 months ago

yeah see I'm in a screwed up situation, i just turned 36 this past week (may 15th) and ALL the women my age are broken, married, divorced, single mothers, I was homeschooled and overlooked my whole life, now that I'm getting my life in order, stayed out of jail (never been arrested) stayed a virgin, never had a date, I'm being punished for it. because women have ruined themselves in their youth and wants someone like me to save them. its sad to be honest

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@Councilof1: So your just planting the animals... I grow mine from seed.

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Councilof1 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: omg your comments make me laugh. I'd buy or trade for the animals and let them do their thing. They're a renewable resource. As for vegetables I'd plant heirloom varieties. They require far less fertilizer and I can save seed to grow more.

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@Councilof1: Heirloom Seeds - brilliant...... I fucking MISS real water melon with the crunchy yummy seeds. .... Geniunely good selective breeding -I am OK with most of that - but fucking with them until they are genetically engineered mutations..... It's bullshit. I want REAL good clean food.....

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@Councilof1: There is a thing in Australia, where you can travel north in the winter and south in the summer and take all the back road dirt highways... and you will occassionally come across the remains of old farm houses... like a few boards and a brick chimney - and because they were in the middle of nowhere, they grew their own fruit trees.... AND up in the mountains... where it's getting icy cold frosts at night and warm 30*C days... you can find orange trees with fruit and the trees are very ancient..... and after a month of icy cold nights and warm days... The fruit is SO beautiful... Damn that is good - and the tree hasn't seen a person in 20 to 50 years.. hidden away in the bush.. Fantastic.

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@TheRedKnight: Women tend to get very spiteful and bitter..... and the retarded shitbags just get pissier - they are so stupid that the only thing these gossiping arseholes can do is ruin it for everyone else, and the better you are, and the more you life a good life, the more these nasty sluts will work at trying to spread their crazy into your life. They are too stupid and dysfunctional to "BE a GOOD WIFE and an ASSET who COMPLIMENTS the man".

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Straven 9 months ago

@TheRedKnight: Know the feeling knight, 34 and still a virgin, didn't bother dating in my 20s as I couldn't afford to court any woman......not that women then wanted to be courted and now a days unless I literally aim for a college girl I'll stay single as I'm just not interested in the older whores who aren't nearly Fert enough for me and way to far into 'used' body counts.

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