Modern Women Are Hitting the Wall FLAT
I've noticed these types of video'ss are quite popular when I took a look at my viewing number's so heres another one, with those deluded and confuded women who refuse to do anything about their own plight. These women are DULLY aware of the situsation, but fail to do anything about it and expect a Captain Sava Hoe to magically appear out of the Ether. It ain'ty gonna' happen. MEN have had enough, and have and continue to WALK. In fact you could say women are so transparant in thier denial that they are now invisible to good MEN. Guy's YOU do NOT need a fefaail, they are pathetic, stupid, ignorant and will use you EVERUY time to rip you off and damage your soul. So just enjoy weomen by laughing at them, for that is all the wqorth they now have is to be ridiculed for their actions against MEN. The WALL come so it's said when a women reaches 30? i think it arrives far sooner than that these day's when you factor in MEN have lost interst. We hear how lonely they are but this is totally self created with their shitty and very ignorant lack of knowledge about MEN. You see lady's MEN don't need you anymore as if we probable ever did ouitsiode of the mythical PUSSY POWER, that like PAIR BONDING has shriveled to nothing due to womens own hatred and anger that overrides them becuase they just wont or cant admit THEY ARE WRONG. So happy Box wine and cat evenings to them all, let them off load their failings on their cat's, The Cat's by the way don't care anymore than any logical sane MANM either.
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is that Americans are much more likely to be religious, believing in things like life after death, virgin births, sons of gods, miracles, angels, etc., whereas Europeans are more likely to see such beliefs as prescientific fairy stories, and look down on American religiosity, seeing religious Americans as 21st. century, isscienate, peasants.
Here's an idea ladies: shut the fuck up and just do it. Wtf does "normal" have to do with anything? Considering what passes for normal why would you want to do anything considered "normal". My definition of normal has been "normal is what everyone else is and I am not".
Is it "FLAT", or "SPLAT"? LMAO!
Yep...... They MAKE choices and decisions that take them in particular directions and then when stranded on the feminist scrap heap of life, they go, "Where are all the GOOD men gone?"
As they are old, infertile, and have a head full of retarded shit....
Unmarriagable and unfuckable..
Question what they are fed, or go swimming in the group think of terminal "#metoo" stupidity?
Why ghost them if you can avoid them in the first place.
They "Want" but have no idea what they want, they just Want