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Modern Women Are Making Men Walk Away From Dating ( Ep 200 )

Published on 29 Jun 2023 / In Film & Animation
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Mustang 2 years ago

To all Single Mother's who have ruined their lives. Keep your legs closed. Problem solved!!!

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I view the mandatory watching of a few of these videos a day - as hard as it is, to be a good education. As soon as you hear these women's bullshit - in the real world - within 30 seconds - leave.

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"Jesus - On no I am not an addict or alcoholic - I only have one glass of whine with dinner (and a whole slab of Valium)" - she says.

I mean in my hey day, I could really drink, but like I am twice her size and weight, and even I would consider that a "nice drinking glass" - especially if I had a pallet of 400 bottles of whine to go with it... You know, just in case I got thirsty....

Actually I only figured this out after I got sober, that you can deep freeze whine and the water would freeze but you could pour the alcohol off..... It's also a traditional way of making high octane booze.... called Ice Wine.....

So you could get the cheapest and most drinkable fortified wine and "cold distill" it into 90%+ pure alcohol....

Probably lucky my bright idea came far too late in the game....

But yeah a woman like her drinking booze by the bucketful - bad idea.

Buy her a coffee, recommend she goes to AA or similar and then get the fuck out of there.

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