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Gonzo Og | 19 Visualizações

Modern Women Are Out to End MGT0W

43 Visualizações
Publicado em 11 Jul 2024 / Em Filme & Animação

I'm curious top see how women get rid of MGTOW seing as it isn't a Movement no Highrachy opr leadership, but a philosophy, how are they going to brainwash millions od MEN? lol! I bet you anything that being a descent fefail or women isn't on that list~! lol! they don't have aclue do they? MEN have walked from their BULLSHIT and women are the cause of MGTOW evolving in the first place! lol! just shows how fucking Dumb these Cunts are.

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Alpha070 9 meses atrás

Modern Waymenz arent ending mgtow its the other Way Around ....the one the mocked are now laughung now as Waymenz Cry ing their Eyes out and their Life is a Dumpsterfire while all the Free Men THRIVE and have Peace of Mind

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Gonzo Og | 19 Visualizações