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Modern Women Are Panicking As Man Keep Avoiding Them At Work... WTF?

Published on 04 Aug 2024 / In Entertainment
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Leader_Desslok 6 months ago

have these women ever heard of the old saying " don't shit where you eat "? these men want to keep their jobs . to a man work is work. we draw a hard line between home and work . women on the other hand falsely believe that work is somehow part of their home/family life . which is not a good way to run a widgit shop . they need to get the message that they are there to WORK ! nothing else . this is NOT a social event or a dating app . if they want to go out on a date they can at least date someone that they do not work with . enough manufactured drama in the workplace already by women that want attention . also they did this to themselves with #meetoo . TFB if they can't get a man . they need to stop blaming men for reacting to their and retreating to avoid #meetoo .

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Jaygo 7 months ago

women are happiest when men are sad and miserable.. Why else do you think just as the Loneliness rate and rise in depression of women coincides with the rise in single men who are happy being single. This is also why in the "Happy life, happy wife" household, the man is utterly miserable.

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Jaygo 7 months ago

Madonna said that way back in the 80's... "Girls just wanna have fun"... They are perpetual children. They have the self discipline, attention span, and maturity of a child. Studies have come out (most of which are suppressed) tat showed basically. An adult woman is as mature and as responsible as the oldest teenager.. it's a mental and physical thing, which makes perfect sense why even in athletics you'll see 12 to 17 year old boys destroying "professional" adult female athletes. The reason women talk soo much about the "Glass ceiling" is because they deep down know there is a mental, emotional and intellectual glass ceiling that they can not surpass.

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The chick with the thick rimmed glasses, looks like "Brains" out of Thunderbirds.

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Leader_Desslok 6 months ago

did you also notice that Brains had lived up to his name by never having been married ? this is why he was always happy and well focused ! Thunderbirds are GO !

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@Leader_Desslok: Is that chick in the starter image, even a real fucking human being? Seriously. Just on the image alone.

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tekrat 7 months ago

02:28 That one girl thought she was Taylor Swift---she thought she was a star---then the guy put in the PHANTOM ZONE.

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