Modern Women Are WORRIED Because Men Are Leaving The Game Entirely
Men have used their God given intelligence and free will to Move away from womens bullshit, yet weomen have not moved or improved on jot! Women are so fucking dumb they just cant see the obvious that is slapping them in the face daily. MENARE GONE, MEN HAVE MOVED ON AND ARE THRIVING, but these dumb fucl fefails cant see that at all becdause simply they are so SELF absorbed they cant see beyond they are the problem. FUCK women and everything they stand for, they are liars. and cheat's they are selfish beyond belief and they NEVER listen. THEY are strong and independent and don't need no MAN, that is until "They need a MAN". Life and being traditionally HUMAN requires TWO parties as the song say's "It taske ywo baqby"! lol! but women have fforgotten this they think and prove themselves WRONG daily that /THEY can exist alone? Nope! With a little effort MEN can because we are the Creator's so logic rules even in nature. MEN have never lost in the the first place, put all the BULLSHIT of the system ans society - a Gynocentric society at that - aside and MEN are STILL the WINNER's It will never be any other way, we use intelligence to avoid and repair pitfall's that skill now includes NOT aquiesing to women, women are the modern day Dinosaurs and will become exstict, mentally they already are extinct!
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Yoda voice: "You will be." Er "You should be (afraid.)"
What's happened to Taylor the Feind?
He and the others have created a HUGE legacy of great information....
AND if they have moved on... Well......