Modern Women ATTACKING MEN For Going Their Own Way- The Men Are Done-Women Hitting The Wall
Funny. how women cant understand how or why MEN don't want them anymore and have walked away? YET! they tell us why we walk from their own stupid thick mouths all the time. Having abandoned women completely my life is as perfect as I think it will ever be. Recently I've seen a lot od vidoe's on womanist channels with all these cunt's crying about how they are lonely and cant find a MAN to love them, which is ironic as women don't even understand the consept of LOVE, the old 70's song say's it "It takes TWO baby" Yet all we still see and watch from our VERUY safe space as a MAN is these trollop's continuing to dig that hole deeper and deeper, because let's face it women ar ridiculously "DUMB" and this is because it was always the MAN thaat covered for their stupidity. without a women and Womanism,a MAN can and in most cases free from the BULLSHIT we are THRIVING. I don't even talk to the cunts anymore nether lone help them in their LIES and DECEIT. Women are failing and even if they suddenly realised it it would take generations now before the MALE would even consider aquiesing to them in any form. My life is sorted and I live it happily alone without the distraction of a time wasting slut, and I would NEVER give a jot of that freedom up for a women. Until Gynocentrism collapses nothing will inprove for women and everything with the right mindset WILL improve for MEN. These harpies may put us all down, but the truth is we are STILL very much in charge thanks to our MALE brains, if women don't want to share the security of the MALE brain then who are we to care as we live our logical, rational lives for ourselves! lol1
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6:30. If they're being brought up by single mothers... there's your problem.
2:10. Nice, thats what I'm talking about.
@3:30....Gaslighting bitch.
why don't femons do themselves a favor and shut the hell up and get on with their fakes lives as males want something better than an entitled narcissist, that thinks about only about their selfish lives
La La La La..... Speak to the dust cloud as I drive away.....