Modern Women FURIOUS They Were sold dream By Feminism
Published on 19 Nov 2023 / In
Film & Animation
Feminism, the deluded DREAM that has become a Nightmare, Well for women anyway's I think Feminism backfired and taught MEN womens true nature, so Guy's in a sarcastic way put your hands together for Feminism! lol!
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Yeah, I understand their dream. I lived a dream too: That I was free and my vote counted... Oh well...
FUCK 'EM!!! They wanted this and now they HAVE IT!!! LET THEM BURN IN A FIRE OF THEIR OWN MAKING!!!
I don't blame the liar I blame the idiot who believes the liar. Anyone who believes a liar gets exactly what they deserve.
About femons I say "who the hell cares" stay away from them they are on their own, they made choices themselves males are done with the crazy femons.