Modern Women Learn The Hard Way As More Men Are Walking Away From Marriage And Dating
Published on 03 Mar 2025 / In
Film & Animation
Doesn't matter how much you tell the truth or MANSPLAIN, women alway chose the HARD WAY to learn, Then the CUNT's still don't listen! lol!
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That chick - from 35 seconds to 2 minutes 14 seconds - SHE is a cunt.
Totally selfish, out for everything SHE can get, that belongs to him....
She wants the HOUSE - without HIM, for her and the kids.
She wants all the furniture - without HIM, for her and the kids.
When he takes all his furniture from his house, she plays the victim.
NOT ONCE - did she ever say "HOW can I look after him?" "How can I help him to get visitation rights and to spend lots of time with the kids?" "Is there anything he needs?"
NOTHING at all.
She is a PURE fucking arsehole.
And I'll put money on the fact, that SHE was the one who sought the divorce.....
I'd even bet $10,000 Banana Land Dollars from the Banana Land Casino......
She is only good for $10 bucks a fuck in a brothel and NOTHING more.
I would not pay more than $5 - she is nasty.
The one at 35 seconds.... SHE "seems" quite hansom, but if it's pause just as she starts to speak - she is a nasty arsehole....
If they can't be bred - well take away their cunts and most of them have NOTHING to offer....
They bring NOTHING to the table.
My cats might not have a HUGE vocabulary - but they do speak their needs and they are honestly expressive for their needs for companionship and for warming each other up in bed sharing.
Women on the other hand are self centered cunts who are out for themselves AT your expense.
They throw vague "mind reading" hints and engage in guessing games - and in between, lying, cheating and throwing tantrums, most of them have fuck all to talk about...
Coming over and helping you out around the place? It's NOT her job.
Most women are so fucking useless......
Growing BIG semi-commercial gardens and feeding the family and earning money from the preserves, pickles, and fresh crops.
Ah, boo who... Lol.
man slaving, divorce raping, vermin, to be avoided. Masculists prefer to have relationships with women who are SNurFs (slim, nurturative, FIPs (financially independent persons)). Advice to women - FIP up, or be manless. Fluffies (opposite of FIPs) rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, spat at, dying slow miserable deaths, because (masculisted) men reject them both socially and sexually.