Modern Women Realize FEMINISM IS A SCAM - We've Been Lied To By Feminism - Women Hitting The Wall
SO! Feminism was a SCAM, and it's coming from the mouths of the same slut's that followed it, destroyed MEN, or tried to? And all they have done is destroyed the feminine and themselves. REAL MEN have had enough and left the stage of the DELUDED female long ago. Listen to their words and tell me do YOU think they are being truthful? -NAH! me neither, they just want to shift the goal post's and still play their pathetic manipulative games, but it is to late. I'm guessing at least 3 generation will pass before MEN even consider anything and it will be at our command not thier lunatic fmale entitlement. Iike the the fact they the not so feminine are going to or are alreday suffering in their own little SELFISH way. most of these whores already have STI's that MEN certainly don't want to catch. Nope all their deceptive words can pass like MANSPLAINING did to them.
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They weren't lied to, feminism was they're idea in the first place.....its freed so many males and opened their eyes to femons, best thing thats ever happened
Every one of these cuntz are liars.