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Moment motorcyclist rams past Just Stop Oil protesters blocking the road

Published on 06 Jun 2023 / In Film & Animation

As a motorcyclist I think this guy was RIGHT to do what he did, he was NOT threateninbg and these JSO proteast pillocks should be removed from the roads. It wont be long before one of them is killed as if IO give a shit when thay are Actually a Government funded set up. It's already been pproved they will park up a big 4x4 in a side street and then go stop everyone else going about their business. Good one biker whoever you were. I personally carry a false plate with me know so if this stuff happens I will pre-empt it and slid the temp plate over mine. Another thing is these new Cycle rules that cyclist or Lycra Lout's deliberately abuse to hold up ohter road users. My thing now is when I'm out on my Motorcycle I will sound my Horn (As the Highway Code permit's) until I haver passed then. II give them the space but let them know I'm very much their. another thiong these Lycra Lout's do not seem to realize is Road Racing on the public highway is Illegal with out prior premission from the local council. Many a time there has been a pace maker that swerves out of a bunch of these cunts and drivers have to brake hard to slow up. So I urge everyone with an engine to keep your distance from the vehicle in front to avoid collision. Also Cyclist should be registered and insured, the person that is not the bkie but the bike should display a number for identification and insurance will cover any damage often caused by the cyclist NOT the motorist can be claimed back. Cyclist should also be forced to wear helmets and Hi-Vis bib's at all times when riding, bvetter still a p-ole with a Hi-Vis flag on it to let queuing traffic know it is a bike holding them up. finally I have to admit that using my HORN legally to ennoy these tosser's is great fun, oh! by the way I do Cycle as well but I pull over if I have a snake of traffic behind me because I use a motorcycle I know the rules of the road.

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sbseed 2 years ago

that is what the people in the cars should have done... the only sane person there....

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mrghoster 2 years ago

Of course the best advise to a Motorcyclist in this situation is to turn of your engine, push the bike up on tyhe curb or pathy walk p-ast tyhe obstruction back onto the road and start up and ride off. This way as far as the law is concerned no offense has been committed.

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I can't wait to see the knuckle sandwiches fly....
The cops are corrupt pieces of shit on Soros's payroll.
The protestors are cut from the same cloth - bought and paid for.
The people of England need to just run these cunts over and beat them the fuck up on the way through.

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