No Marraige No Offspring and No Cohabitation STAY MONK, informed, best of health and make your hard earned money work towards helping and building you and best results in clown world matrix STAY MONK \G/
No Marraige No Offspring and No Cohabitation STAY MONK, informed, best of health and make your hard earned money work towards helping and building you and best results in clown world matrix STAY MONK \G/
I think you are the best person or monk to help men to make money give them advice to make money or the best jobs now or always to make money or even be self employed as young men today and teens all they hear is make money and spend it on bitches and dont really get investment advice or how to deal with debt or banks and so on when trying to build life for thrnselves and not get shafted to taken for fools with their money
No one is teaching young men and men even some experienced men where or how to build a portfolio or best jobs career path today to do maybe a remote job basically some guidance for some of those brothers like me that dodged many silver bullets by finding MGTOW early, not getting involved with pussy, skirt chasing, dating and "FriendZoned" instead investing in myself to save myself from the bullshite and not get suckered into their traps and build myself to better options that make and build a lifestyle for me that involves no women as well as Simps who pose as men and try to ruin you and tell you to your face your worthless and nothing and still want to be apart of your life, Yeah No they can Eat Shite Choke on it and Drop Dead.
As well as helping men not getting suckered and played by bitches and simps and backstabbed by family and if you do by all those groups and others how to survive and invest and rebuild yourself and thrive thats what I think more men need and to take control and set their life up, as like for me I didnt get that advice from my simp father I had to learn all by myself the hard way and if I had dome mgtow help it would have saved me a lot of time and I would have had a lot better options in good times and in those rough desperate times. \G/
Thank you my fellow MONK brother tell the truth and thank you for calling out the PUA GRIFTER SCUM trying to infiltrate MGTOW using MGTOW just to leech of men and trick them back onto the female delusion breadline.
Those that do deserve to get monetized are Channels like yours that actually help men to better themselves in hard shitty times and also how to get to the better side and how to come out on top and sucks to hear your daughter has gone down the wrong path a real shame.
Thank you for all you do brother and all the men you help brother glad to have you here helping as many and much as you can I greatly appreciate it all the best brother tear those PUAs a new Arseholes as you Aussies say :) GODBLESS YOU STAY MGTOW STAY MONK :D :) \G/
Yo Brother Wheres that Awesum MANSTASH now you look like an 10 year Aussie Boy scout Choir boy school boy or a teenager haha aka TGTOW no problem to look younger however you have a great MANSTASH and makss you look like a proper man a proper Aussie Man :D :) \G/
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No Marraige No Offspring and No Cohabitation STAY MONK, informed, best of health and make your hard earned money work towards helping and building you and best results in clown world matrix STAY MONK \G/
No Marraige No Offspring and No Cohabitation STAY MONK, informed, best of health and make your hard earned money work towards helping and building you and best results in clown world matrix STAY MONK \G/
I think you are the best person or monk to help men to make money give them advice to make money or the best jobs now or always to make money or even be self employed
as young men today and teens all they hear is make money and spend it on bitches and dont really get investment advice or how to deal with debt or banks and so on when trying to build life for thrnselves and not get shafted to taken for fools with their money
No one is teaching young men and men even some experienced men where or how to build a portfolio or best jobs career path today to do maybe a remote job basically some guidance for some of those brothers like me that dodged many silver bullets by finding MGTOW early, not getting involved with pussy, skirt chasing, dating and "FriendZoned" instead investing in myself to save myself from the bullshite and not get suckered into their traps and build myself to better options that make and build a lifestyle for me that involves no women as well as Simps who pose as men and try to ruin you and tell you to your face your worthless and nothing and still want to be apart of your life, Yeah No they can Eat Shite Choke on it and Drop Dead.
As well as helping men not getting suckered and played by bitches and simps and backstabbed by family and if you do by all those groups and others how to survive and invest and rebuild yourself and thrive thats what I think more men need and to take control and set their life up, as like for me I didnt get that advice from my simp father I had to learn all by myself the hard way and if I had dome mgtow help it would have saved me a lot of time and I would have had a lot better options in good times and in those rough desperate times. \G/
Thank you my fellow MONK brother tell the truth and thank you for calling out the PUA GRIFTER SCUM trying to infiltrate MGTOW using MGTOW just to leech of men and trick them back onto the female delusion breadline.
Those that do deserve to get monetized are Channels like yours that actually help men to better themselves in hard shitty times and also how to get to the better side and how to come out on top and sucks to hear your daughter has gone down the wrong path a real shame.
Thank you for all you do brother and all the men you help brother glad to have you here helping as many and much as you can I greatly appreciate it all the best brother tear those PUAs a new Arseholes as you Aussies say :)
Yo Brother Wheres that Awesum MANSTASH now you look like an 10 year Aussie Boy scout Choir boy school boy or a teenager haha aka TGTOW no problem to look younger however you have a great MANSTASH and makss you look like a proper man a proper Aussie Man :D :) \G/