Money Monday Call-In Show w/ Brandon Carter & Greg O'Gallagher
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0:00 : Preview…
11:40 : Show begins!🔥
12:45 : Myron will be debating on Penn State
13:20 : Special Guests Introduction / Canadians are freaking out over tariffs🇨🇦
19:00 : Jeff Nippard didn’t want to come on the pod
23:20 : What led to Canada’s downfall?
26:30 : Drake will go down as one of the GOATs
30:20 : How much money did Myron make from Brandon’s Fitness program?
33:45 : Caller #1 - What side hustle should I do while going to school full time?
38:20 : Caller #2 - 30 y/o alcoholic makes $2k / month and has a 10 year old child
54:40 : Caller #3 is pursuing internship and needs help with time management
1:02:00 : Caller #4 - 22 y/o homeless dude has a son and needs motivation
1:06:30 : How to became a superhero to your son😎
1:08:30 : WTF Fresh?😂
1:11:00 : Myron COOKS the homeless dude🔥 - “You live in a cardboard box”😭
1:16:00 : Myron gives raw advice to the caller
1:18:30 : Caller #5 - Barbershop owner wants to get into Real Estate
1:25:00 : Caller #6 wants 50% yearly returns on his investments😳📈
1:29:20 : “Stop acting like a stupid monkey”💀
1:34:00 : Caller #7 - How do I make money online?
1:38:50 : Caller #8 - How to not lose strength and muscle while cutting?
1:47:00 : Sponsor - 1775 Coffee☕️ / Chats…
1:51:00 : Tune into Afterhours next…
1:51:40 : Where can you find the guests? / Outro
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