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Monster Cyclone - Huge 170 Km Eye - Usually ~40 Km - See Pinned Comment.

Published on 04 Mar 2025 / In Film & Animation

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It's not purely savage - because it's BIG - the winds are around 120 Kmh - 150 Kmh in gusts etc... not 380 Kmh...

It's fairly hefty - as in it's not a minor issue - but it's the SHEER SIZE of it...

IF and when it hits land - that is a HUGE cyclone, it will take a long time to pass over and go inland and fizz out - AND it will dump enormous amounts of rain....

One crowd says one thing, another crowd says another thing.... Up to a meter of rain - over the city of Brisbane - and it's the most southerly cyclone to make land fall in decades....

AND it is HUGE.

This is useful:

The ummmm other place I would NOT like to be - is Willis Island - WAY out in the Coral Sea - 450 Km off shore.

Mostly because it occassionally gets run over by a cyclone.... and it's kind of low and in the middle of the HUGE ocean...

In the bottom left, you can see a man standing on the beach.....

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