Moralless Femons
Published on 10 Nov 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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Scammers are coming out the wood-work.
It's just annoying that politicians want the scammers' vote, not mine.
Back a long time ago I used to know a narcissistic femon who would go into a shop or super marked grab some sweet's or biscuits and eat them while shopping and stuff the wrapper's in anothe shelf and not declare what she had stolen when paying. In fact it was this femon that started my campain to avoid them at all cost, so naturally I told her to FUCK OFF, and the good times started to roll. By the way ionly knew her I wan't ever involved with her.
I can see state laws addressing this waste of government money. No jail time, but fines. You know, the government finding a new way to tax.
That mexican girl was there again today and had someone with her I think may have been her sister.. I play old er music some of it kinda sad.. and seems the mexicans get sad easily.. anyways they both seemed like nice girls. I will take bof of um. :-)
Story one: Glam Clam
Story two: Scam on cam