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Most DISTURBING Encounters Inside Abandoned Building

Published on 07 Jan 2025 / In Entertainment

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KEEPER 2 months ago  

fell asleep before i could fully upload this one, sorry dudes.

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KEEPER 2 months ago

1080p version here.

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Are you doing ok, you keep uploading Weird content when your trying to sleep, are you sleep deprived maybe go back to Fallout4 Power Armor Waifus if you need anything to help you sleep or looking 420Hz or 430Hz Binaural Beats that heal, and help Soothe the mind to sleep for me tbose are 75%effective can be hit or miss keeps your up longer and more alert which is not what want when you want to sleep or knocks you out completely. Sometimes what I found works for me is Finding an old Hammrrhand 5hr or 6hr Stream and play it through headphones have them placed on the headrest or bedside table and Im oit like a lights Hammers Voice soothes you to Lullaby sleep haha been a while since i have dont that however its 100% Effective Currenlty using RGE amd he is also 100% effective, just somewhat concerned for you everything is good with you though and try to get at least 7 hrs of sleep \G/

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KEEPER 2 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: lol i like the ghost video shit, it has to be interesting but also not super interesting enough to get me to fall asleep, some other dudes on this site like this stuff, but yeah i'm sleep deprived and more often than not these kinds of videos help. i have done the binural beat thing, and no it's never helped, my older brother got me into that stuff years ago and i tried it for a while, but well lets say it was too boring and my mind kept racing and would not fall asleep, i needed something that was engaging but not too engaging boring but not too boring, like how some ppl listening to some boring lecture in a subject they understand that they like, but it has to be monotone and long enough to keep them engaged, my sleep cycle responds to the paranormal shit lol. and the headphone thing i'm not going to do, those things hurt my ears after 2 hours so i wake up and have to take them out, i also don't sleep on a bed anymore, not for the last decade straight due to an injury i got a long time ago, these days i sleep on a lazyboy as it better helps with my injury issues, it used to kill my neck to sleep on this thing, but now my neck is a bit tougher and that no longer hurts, now i will say hammerhands longer podcasts where he's just talking about his comic book can get a bit boring, but the music for his comic book is way too loud and annoying and he plays that shit frequently through out the stream lol, i used to like the theme song but now i try my best to skip passed that music, i like that rock version of the bitch who ate nothing NOTHING lol.

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@KEEPER: Haha look after yourself, I personally cant stand that bitch gotta mute or skip and prefer the Comic Trailers everyones different and each to their own. \G/

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KEEPER 2 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: now i wouldn't want to listen to the bitch to fall asleep to, that i only like when i'm awake lol

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KEEPER 2 months ago

but the trailer music is a bit much.

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