Mostly All Femons Are Habitual Users
Published on 13 Mar 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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Did you know I was reading some femon's actually have had Fake up tattoo'd on permanently, guess it shows how fucking lazy some of them are becoming I guess?
Femon's have become ADDICTED to being what they are. It is so clearly they are living with a MENTASL ILLNESS these day's. They destroyed ANY and EVERY virtue they had, they destroyed Pair Bonding (not the MEN) but the femon. They have pushed relationSHIT's and MEN so far away now they cant see Us and we Cant and don't want to see them anymore. It is safer for a MAN to avoid the feminist bullshit now that to get involved for no benefit at all to him. Femons don't seem to be able to MOTHER anymore and the child has no logical MALE figure to help them learn and grow. If Humanity dies it will be due to and the blame of the femon. Personally I'm old but happy, alone but NOT lonely and I have money and interest's and Hobbies, and a pretty damned good life now. I played the rules when I was younger and was SHIT on from a great height, But no more, femon's are on their own now and I don't give a fig, but I do enjoy laughing at them and ridiculing them, that is all a femon plays in my life, a sense of humor boost! lol! Let's not forget Guy's the femon is part of the broken societal collective so they are all feminist's and the enemy and danger to MEN, well (REAL MEN) anyways.
It's like they are just born with the ability for make-up deception:
That thing in the thumbnail looks like it's channeling a demon. You calling female's femon's is appropriate.
Many a pillow case has scared a bloke, that is when the femon wakes up and departs her face upon it. Cheers