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Mother Dearest and Sister Person

Published on 28 Aug 2021 / In Film & Animation

⁣I dug up an old email that my sister had sent to me about 9 years ago.
It made a lot more sense now, than it did way back then.
The fact that I had recognised that I was quite attracted to women, who looked like my mother, AFTER an old photo of my mother turned up.
"Oh fuck - she is a clone of....."
And that the letter spells out that my mother was an incestious, drunken child abuser, who was also a drunken borderline psychotic.
She was violent and she played evil mind games and according to grand mother, my mother knew how to look after children in the desert heat, because she had raised all her younger brothers and sisters, and if grand mother had not of come home early that day, as a baby, I would have been found dead from heat stroke.
You add the stories from my sister and the picture becomes more cohesive.
Then add in around 25 years ago, I had some contact with my mother, describing to her that I was having faint recollections of my childhood, and I wanted her to help fund the therapy to dig up the issues.
Mother dearest then went on the run - telling everyone she knew to not hand out her contact details to anyone and I have not seen her since.
Don't think I miss her at all.
She is nutso and she is a cunt.

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