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Motherly Caring Femon

Published on 05 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation
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"Didn't know she was pregnant" still amazes me any simps still fall for female nonsense like that. Yeah, that whole period no longer happening thing didn't clue her in. Another favorite is women who've claimed they were young and naive and didn't yet know where babies come from. I can assure all the simps out there: girls know all about sex and childbirth by age 6 or 7. It's called the sisterhood.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 days ago

Lies, deceit, chaos and drama, professional scammers

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sauger1001 3 days ago

0:50. I believe you meant "12 stories...", instead of "12 feet..."?

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mrghoster 3 days ago

We all know how fucking stupid femon's are, she probably deludedly thought or wondered if a baby could fly! Or she had heard that Baby's are sometimes called "Bouncing" baby's and wanted to try it out for herself!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 days ago

Or she killed it as it cramped her life style

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mrghoster 3 days ago

@SoloMan Zone: More likely, I mean femon's are becoming so EVIL they are best avoided at ANY cost.

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