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Move Over, Elon Musk is Taking Over | Grunt Speak Shorts

Published on 03 May 2022 / In Comedy

They said to just build your own Twitter. Elon says, nah I'll just buy yours.
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ShadowMonk 3 years ago

I would honestly choose a political outsider who is truly not a part of the deep state, I choose Elon Musk and Donald Trump instead of the real Zionist shills including Biden or Bill Gates, hence anything said about Elon Musk or Trump that is in a negative light are most likely a false rumors or misinformation spread by the globalist, even our own community has been infiltrated by PUAs, Even a bunch of toxic religious shills and cultists Who support spiritual death and stagnation and blind obedience to these spiritual political organizations IE religion that contribute to the NWO. None of them should be trusted either.

My reason is because I believe in freedom, I believe in the freedom of religion...the freedom of thought because freedom allows us to have the free will to discern right from wrong that allows us to know who to have faith in that with all of that characteristics, satan, The Zionists, The radical Catholic, radical Muslims and JW bastards who tell us that our beliefs in free will and our own free will in our choices to going our own way that we need to supposedly bow down to their religion in order to be accepted by our own community which is a big fat lie... None of us brothers should have to feel enslaved by any ideology for we as MGTOW Believe in free will free knowledge and justice and helping men break away from the enslaved meant that goes deeper than just a gynocentric social fabric for there is a spiritual plantation too that certain infiltrators within our own community are trying to keep us oblivious too. Abandoning Female nature and the gynocentric plantation is the first step to freedom... However the final step to breaking away completely is also not the easiest but lucky possible step, because those who take the red pill to the ultimate level and breakthrough spiritually will most likely face a lot of psychological and spiritual obstacles, most likely spiritual battles that require a lot of faith and courage not just in religion but within ourselves ( in order to have full faith, we must trust ourselves before anything as our foundation in order to be certain on what we truly have faith in... for demanded faith in something without the gift of free agency or self opinion/ discernment + The additional dogma of blind acceptance along without question along with the threat of being ostracized...eternal damnation or forced reincarnation.... all of that is nothing but blind obedience) and what is right to successfully fight off these forces who try to limit the red pill spiritually for the red pill is endless and eternal, that’s their biggest fears of all.

They who seek to control us are not only bothered that we reject Gynocentrism and misandry, they are especially threatened by the truth that we as MGTOW are questioning their spiritual narrative.

After all MGTOW is about going our own way which is about freedom instead of tyranny.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 3 years ago

I still think Elon is as brain dead as the rest. I do not trust any of them no one is perfect but you never take that kind of loan out of the bank to buy another company. He is a wealfare simp look at where his money comes from us tax payers he never earned any of it. Reminds of of a govt job yrs ago 350 mill over budget doing a project asked my boss he said tax payers are fitting the pill so much govt waste look at the military and the 2 apaches in ft hood that were destroyed right out of boeing and you never heard about this in media.

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Twitter.... Terry has his MC Hammer pants on....

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

Elo Musk EM the Electric Man is disturbing their mainstream media's "Narrative." Their lame stream news could not keep their quoting news pipeline. If one voice desents, it breaks the psychological hold of wanting to fit in , or duck and cover digitally.

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