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Mr Beast BLASTED Over VILE Comments He Made About 14 Year Old & Other Old Videos Resurface

Published on 25 Jul 2024 / In Entertainment

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Toki 1 month ago

Jeremy is a father therefore he must be a pedo. ItsaGundam is a pedo because he said Kirsche's Vtuber model is hot. PewDiePie has to be a pedo because his audience is mostly minors. You see that male highschool teacher over there? Certainly he must be a pedo correct?
American birth rates by the way. Let's allow females to kill their fertility with birth control meds starting at age 14. They can't get in a serious relationship and married until they run the cock gauntlet and want to settle down at age 30. Time to import more migrants I guess. I don't want to be accused of being a perv or pedo for having attraction to real females of any age. Then if I prefer the wholesome and pure Tsunade the 50 year old mature waifu I'm still called a pedo anyways.
It's gets really old this whole pointing fingers at accused pedos all over the net. You're just here trying to make easy money by cancelling others based on what? A social media post? Then you wonder why young males are becoming shooters trying to take down your King who is likely a real pedo because he's rich. He can assist with funding of the sex slave dungeon on Epstein's Island. He was on the flight list along with the blue color Kings and Queens of America. But you will suck his dick by voting to give him more power and wealth. I guarantee he's more likely a pedo than Mr. Beast who is still a noob social elite. Now if Beast is one I'm not shocked because celeb culture would be mothers offering up their 13 year old daughters to Beast hoping to marry him to get to his money. Humans are nasty selfish creatures after all.

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Ozmosis 1 month ago

Yeah I been noticing gen z and Alpha trying to call older men pedos for being attracted to 18 and 19 year olds. Oh no her brain hasint full devoloped and older men are taking advantage best she just spend her peak years whoring in clubs and getting bullshit degrees that will not only brainwash her but get her into debt

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Toki 1 month ago

@Ozmosis: Their brains don't develop until they are too old to have suitors anymore. If it ever develops.

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Toki 1 month ago

a 14 year old who has no father because "men bad." Calls herself Bad Barbie? I mean she's acting like an adult porn star so is it Beast's fault or the parent's/society's fault for letting a 14 year old on the internet looking like a prostitute in the first place? Also it's an internet post. Who cares? People talk all kinds of shit on the net and don't really mean it.
I wouldn't be surprised if Beast is interested in "underage" because he's rich. That tends to happen when a rich person gets bored with sex with so many different partners. Now they want the forbidden fruit to live on the edge. She doesn't look 14 anyways. She looks like a street corner whore working for a pimp. What about her parents?
I don't understand how you could be attracted to her anyways with that disgusting urban American dialect.

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Toki 1 month ago

OK? If she was 18 or 28 men would still be considered creeps if they are attracted to a female. Let this be a lesson of why you should stick to waifus and don't communicate with real females of any ages at all. If you save a 14 year old female from a house fire you're a creep who just wanted to touch her or something. Or is she was 18, 26, 38, doesn't matter.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

It's gross to wantbto put your dick in a cute girl? Sure, if you're a fag... there is time: if some chick you find out is too young, just tell her to wait a few years or find me (you) when you're nineteen... What the Hell is wrong with that!?

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Toki 1 month ago

Jeremy is a cuck making clickbait. Next he'll make a Matt Walsh style video about how men are doing wrong by avoiding females completely. I don't know much about Mr. Beast but I assume he's swimming in pussy offers from 18 year olds and 28 year olds who are the same mental maturity as 14 year old females anyways.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@Toki: No. He is in a middle of a messy divorce with his vegan wife... REDpilled the Old Fashioned way...

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@Toki: no. I think the 14 year old pussy is more mature... than the 28 YT celebrities...

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Toki 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: I don't know much about him but I can only assume he's sexing all kinds of women daily because he chased wealth and fame. For what other reason do men chase wealth and fame other than trying to be harem king?

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

14? Isn't that legal in Canada? I mean Switzerland is 15... but then again, maybe she has less emotional baggage...

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