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Mr Bond - Fascist

Published on 12 Feb 2021 / In Film & Animation

⁣The #freemrbond campaign is still ongoing. At the time of this post, 0.03497997 BTC has been raised- and can be viewed on the blockchain here:

Attempts to reach Mr Bond's representatives is still ongoing, and every lead is being followed. Many thanks to those helping in this outreach- and to those who have offered time, advise, and funding in this regard.

The fastest, and easiest way to contribute is still via cashapp, where the funds are quickly converted to BTC and forwarded to the fund. No amount is too big or small, but the smaller amounts (under $10) will sit until they can be paired with a larger amount- then converted to BTC and forwarded to the fund- this saves considerably on transaction fees.

If you feel you can assist in any way, don't hesitate to contact me. We have people doing outreach to officials and attorneys in Austria, we have people researching and translating foreign news/social media articles, as well as people doing art/propaganda to make known: the cause.

Thanks to all who have been able to help out so far, in any capacity.



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SpaceJew 4 years ago

Stop hiding your power level... Anyone you know who will shun you for your true beliefs iant your friend anyway...

You know they wouldnt brow beat a negro for his black pride. Do not tolerate being held to a different standard... Throw your roman salute up with pride...

We all know whites have only brought truth amd justice to the world... Dont allow them to place the blame of their short comings on you!

White nationalism is the only hope for not only the west... But for the entire world

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