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Mr. Silverskin Rants: Single Parents

Published on 22 May 2020 / In People & Blogs

Just a quick rant. I used to belive in marriage and responsibility. Now I only beive in responsibility. Though I really doubt that any female will ever agree to this, but there are a few "good" women out there that may be pursuaded to follow this example. It is not perfect, but I got lucky and it works for me.

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B989X 5 years ago

Does anyone notice the guy telling the story sounds like Aeroshogun ?

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Jupiter_Silverskin 5 years ago

lol, What!? Do you really think I sound like a Black guy? lol. I'm gonna take that as a compliment, since I've always thought my voice was kind of high. lol :)

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Johnny_Cage 5 years ago

Those few good women are just pretending and camouflaged to attract a good man to leech off. I've seen this play out numerous times as a pre-teen and a teenager in an upper-middle class church setting. They marry the men, then blackmail him with the threat of leaving, taking the kids and ruining his reputation, as well as cleaning out his bank accounts.

Fucking evil cunts the vast majority of them; don't let their disguise fool you. Even if they don't feel like they would ever do it; they change when it actually comes time for it to benefit them.

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Jupiter_Silverskin 5 years ago

Yes, you are correct. And I do fear that one day my crazy ex wife may decide to screw me over. But I do not want to live in constant fear. So I do what I can with the time I have. I love my kids, but I would not have a single problem ghosting and leaving them behind if things were to change. In the mean time, I will help raise the next generation.

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Johnny_Cage 5 years ago

@Jupiter Silverskin: Bravo, exactly. Now I understand perfectly why men [in the past] would just leave and ghost the family. They couldn't take the manipulation of the kids against him, how all his money is spent no matter how big a pile of cash he brings home, the social isolation the wife gradually executes, and his feelings of worthlessness and feeling forever trapped with all the glimmers of life and creativity and masculinity being cruelly and gleefully extinguished by his wife. A lot of men likely flee to avoid something tragic; the ones that stay end up on the news for killing the wife or killing the whole entire family and himself in a laststand of any sort of authority/control he has.

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Johnny_Cage 5 years ago

@MrA_H0Ie: No they don't. Lol if aliens ever publicly came down to meet humans, I'd be embarrassed and ashamed of the female human sex. I'd do everything i could to distinguish the progress and goodness of the productive male sex from the destructive, insecure, evil female sex. I'd say that cosmic balance is in everything, so our females are just as evil as our males are capable of good; and that they should not consider the females as even part of humanity, simply a destructive breeding vessel that has obvious penis envy. I'm sure any aliens that are monitoring us can already see that and are shaking their heads at how much females dominate our societies.

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