Mumbles Of The Mind
Published on 16 Dec 2022 / In
Film & Animation
2X beer induced
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This planet has more women than MEN, because MEN can multi reproduce women have a built in time bomb, which is why their has to be more of them. However femons have broken the bargain with NATURE and stepped out of line, plus MEN the true value of Humanity are restricted in plenty of ways today. Do the dsurplus of femons if far greater than before. Just maybe a CULL pof the excess femons is needed and NATURE is making them do it to themselves in the long run Whilst NATURE is pulling the MALE to a place of safety for the foreseeable future. The MALE has never been so free as he is today if he does it right.
There's a clip in a Charles Bronson Film "The Mechanic" where a femon cut's her wrist to get her boyfriend a trainee Hit man. Both he and the Mechanic Bronson) use logic and work out from her weight and size and how long ago she slashed her wrist's that if she left then for the hospital or sheriff's office she would just make it. but no she just sat their and wallowed in her own self pity, a great MGTOW or RED PILL scene I think? Femon's are now so devalued they are about as worthy as Money is today. Femons have flooded the market with their selfishness and stupidity and entitlement that they have become Valueless, worthless, surplus to requirements for a REAL MAN.
I've always thought the the chick suicide scene in the movie "The Mechanic" shows the best way to handle it. After she cuts her wrists she changes her mind. Jan Vincent tosses her the keys to her car and says the nearest hospital is 20 miles away. If she can make it before passing out she might pull through.
Sugar and spice, femons privates all have lice, harm to charm the red flags ring the alarm, stay the distance, men guard your resistance, for in the end, women just be a biblical pestilence.