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Murder - Suicide. Some women are such absolute Cunts....

Published on 04 Sep 2021 / In Film & Animation

I will not step in to save any woman.
More often than not, the women are the ones who are personally responsible for creating their own demise.
It is the natural order of things.

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gchase 4 years ago

Honestly, I'm surprised there isn't an epidemic of that very thing..
A good man snaps...he's had enough.
He goes over the know..
'Breaking Bad'...looks at her and his
life...and snap..boom. does it
Yeah, amazed it doesn't happen every day

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mrghoster 4 years ago

Have you ever sat and listened to two or more women talking? They talk total BOLLOCK's and you come away having just hears a lot of noise and Blah blah blah. These CUNT can make a drama out of the most boring thing's and we allow then to take places of authority from MEN?

I can imagine a massive Nuclear War, the Human races is over, the aliens turn up and find a not saying it all happened because the fefail world president was on the Rag that week! lol! then out of the nuclear winter and dust comes a sound - Yack, yack ,yack! lol!

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mrghoster 4 years ago

It's a vicious circle when it comes to fefail's? Your fucked if you do, your fucked if you don't? Th best advice I took was the same as dealing with Narcissist's and Psychopath's, No more contact EVER. Studied Psychopathy not officially but for my own fucking sanity, and I think women today are fucking Psychotic in some way? It's been caused by feminism and societal issues that are now well out of hand. It will all end badly but I think it will end badly for the fefail not the MALE? the Male can and will always rebuild whatever happens, the fefail will always be subservient in the end, but come the next time round any MAN with balls should NOT include the fefail in his plan's EVER!

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mrghoster 4 years ago

I had a women come round from the council complaining my Front BUSH was to high, She asked me could I cut it down lower, I said "I'll Do it" but did it stop there she fucking just kept repeating herself as I slammed the door in her face.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

women are NOT people Mate, they are no longer even fucking HUMAN, this is why I stopped engaging with the CUNT's ages ago. don't know if you have seen the Spoof Harry Enfield vid's I posted "Women - Know your place" but worth a look if you want a laugh?

Doesn't matter where a fefail sticks it's tit's in, they will surely fuck up the norm and cause chaos as sure as eggs is eggs?

Would you hunt down a CUNT and Kill It? well when the SHTF I'm gonna' go on a killing spree, because the law couldn't touch me!

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Basically there are totally intractable women - who have NO redeeming features. I think the best thing to do is just disengage and let them go fuck up what remains of their own miserable shitty lives. It's like my own mother, she is or was a borderline psychotic - she is like melanoma of the mind and soul...... AND she seriously made a career out of riding people into their graves.... She is a fucking cunt. It's a long story and I don't feel like typing it all up... but all the guys she married after my fucking arsehole of a father, were guys who were pretty fucked up to terminal head cases themselves, and they had all been married to women who drank themselves to death in their beds with the last of the perfume etc... and well IF one of her partners or whatever happened to strangle her...... "Meh! - It's the natural order of things!". I don't mean in the emotionally healthy sense, because she never could - but she could not make amends, take responsibility for or change her ways.... because she is or was, incapable of it....... There is no remorse, guilt or empathy... So the craziness continues because she IS crazy. She is hard wired "mad".

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mrghoster 4 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Hi Mate I can sympathize with you but in a slightly different, nbot my Mum, she died when I was 14 years old. But the world in general, that dispite my efforts to do what was expected of ME, All I raqn into was lack of opportunity and CUNT's including an Ex wife. Now in old age, well heading there? I have removed all those problems , many of them created by women from my life and Now I am free of a lot of it because being stuck on my own for a life time has now started to pay off? Take a lot of balls to get in front of a camera and say what you said so good on ya. I bet you felt better for it? Peace.

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