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Muslimcels Do Not Marry Fugly Women Or Women Out Of Your League


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Published on 17 Nov 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Dingle_Berries 3 months ago

Im starting to think muslimcels are like simps, you have to learn the hard way and some will never learn

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BIGLOAD 3 months ago

Man- jour chit lookin' real Ghetto in that Roach Coach.

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I understand your desire, pretty much lots of people's desires to move out of the united states, why remote work is so attractive, you can move to another country with lower rents and lower prices for escorts or local girls. Its because its obnoxiously and absurdly hard to talk to white american born people, talking is what leads to sex or camaraderie, but most anglos are petty, malicious, narcisistic backstabbing hypersensitive retarded nigger lovers and women lovers, and most ethnics are lustful, jealous, sycophantic backstabbers. Some eurocels or latinos when they arent thug, arent too NT or loud, they can be pretty chill and based without being a soy moral-fag.

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Alex568 3 months ago

" but most anglos are petty, malicious, narcisistic backstabbing hypersensitive retarded nigger lovers and women lovers" It seems most white Americans are just like the British trash, cowardly liars and backstabbers. They have no honour, principles or shame. And they worship third world immigrants that are taking over their country and impregnating their women. Absolutely pathetic....

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@Alex568: talking or working with American born white people is like being with gossipy school girls and no creatjvity or intellect due to extreme conformity bullshit they are individualistic and free, as in free thinking. The reason why women like thugs, and dogs is because they are only ones left that show a bit of masculinity. MGTOWs and incels gotta be the next greeks/Romans/Hebrews, meds are better than Germanic and slavic heathen, meds have the androcentric, patriarchal, intellectual, warrior philosophical culture, DNA, values.... I believe in the promised NGTOW land, some Epstein island, Anglo puritans like Islamic terrorists got him killed because he was being too based and androcentric in his island of hedonism.

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@Alex568: the problem with incels is the angloshere and anglo people, you have pay to play, there aren't that many women to begin with, as a man you are afforded few options, also their social ways suck if you are black pilled and based, you gotta be extremely NT, loud, or puritanical to thrive there. Angloshere is a prison incel simulation, just change environments or pay to play, or try being an Uber driver hopefully pick up drunk party girls and see if you can ascend. My goal is becoming a face fuck porn producer recruit local girls, pay to play.

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perfection9669 3 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100 I 100% agree with you. As an anglo I have no Anglo friends and im not even ugly or poor or boring/awkward. But everyone who has helped me in life was a foreigner or my deceased mother. We are a herd following self genociding race. The race always follows the crowd/media and you can't challenge ideas. Alot of outcast anglos males did propel humanity forward imo. However finding decent ones is very hard offline today. They will definitely sell out a good friend/partner for popularity of people who won't care about them in 5 years.

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Do muslimcels get matched or paired up by their families, in their religious centers? It seems ameri-goys just rely on fate or chance like bumping into them in some girl in a taco bell line, playing pickleball, being like a social butterfly, don't look and you'll find her, American social retardation.

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What about 6ft 3 Coach Bitch pill who has 6ft, 6 figure money and microcock of 1 inch and he still SLAYS PUSSY haha yeah right that's his fantasy he wishes he could get PUSSY haha

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