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MUST WATCH: Journalist Rips Palestinian ‘Terrorism’ Narrative to Shreds
Published on 14 Oct 2023 / In
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Israel is full of shit & completely culpable on many levels, imo. However, the Palestinians, or at least Hamas & their ilk, because of their enthusiasm in doing barbaric violence themselves, have forfeited & squandered huge amounts of political capital that they were initially bestowed with, due to Israel's war crimes & inhumanity. If the Palestinians had managed the discipline & maturity to take their hits without descending to war crime levels themselves, they'd have the Global Court of Public Opinion unquestioningly on their side right now. I'm not saying that would've been easy to do, but they might have at least tried.
Notice how quiet the liberal cunt got?
This is one of those times where literally someone is talking your ears off, but speaking nothing but FACTS! This guy knows his S#IT!