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My Experience With Canadian Women - MGTOW

Published on 09 Feb 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Christmas Without Women

My experience with Canadian women in the last two years.

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trevor. He didn't send me a specific topic. So I've decided that I'd like to talk about the sad and sorry state of Canadian women these days. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the show. As I sat down to script this video the Corona Virus has just jumped from fourteen thousand to seventeen thousand confirmed cases. By the time I release this video it will probably be up in the millions of infected. What really shocked me was the reaction of many Canadian women claiming that the greatest threat to Canadians is not the virus but that it's racism against the Chinese. Have women in Canada completely lost their mind? Shouldn't they be more worried about getting masks and other supplies? I don't think the potential of a global pandemic has hit them yet. But when it does they will start to panic. In the next day or two, it's early February of 2020, I'm thinking of selling all my stocks because my investment thesis is to buy stocks in companies that everyone needs with regards to food, phones and basic utilities. But it doesn't look like it's going to be business as usual so it's time to dump everything and just sit on the sidelines and hopefully buy in when things are cheaper. As for Canadian women complaining about corona virus racism, I wonder if they are going to go down to the airport and welcome people from China in? Actually the government of Canada just declared they are going to quarantine people at a military base. All of Canadian women using this opportunity to virtue signal that they aren't racist are going to change their tune if the same thing going on in China happens in Canada. Right now they are all bitch and no bite. But the moment the virus spreads they will do exactly what they did during the 2013 ice storm in Toronto. It was the men that were outside cleaning up the mess and getting the power back online. If you want to know what happened then I put a video in the description called Christmas Without Women that shows men outside working while women indoors where it's a lot warmer and safer. In China in the quarantined areas 1 family member every second day is allowed to leave home to go out and get supplies like groceries and they have to wear a mask. How much do you wanna bet that one family member is going to be the youngest most able bodied male? Can't risk the whamens going out and getting them sniffles. The same thing would probably happen in Canada with the women staying at home but they would probably claim they are triggered by all the death. As far as I'm concerned it's the Canadian women that are racist and they are simply projecting their racism on Canadian men just incase Canadian men ever tried saying something like that about them. No I can't be racist because I called you racists first. So you're the racist one. These are the types of games that are being played by Canadian women as China burns as Canadian women in secret play the world's smallest violin for China. I thought it was a good example to start this video with. As for Canadian women in general Canada is really made up of many different regions and women are very different in each one. In the west it's really really cold and I think that does a lot to push traditional values. Western Canada where it's really cold tends to vote conservative because women out there are more likely to depend on men for their survival during a cold winter. Recently I was doing a Skype chat with someone and he explained to me that women don't like the cold very much in states like North Dakota and Montana which are right next door to that conservative part of Canada.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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ancientsea 5 years ago

I am past just being tired of ''ismitis' and these vain women. The females are ignoring the fact that EVERY non-white race in the world hates the white race. They may accept and tolerate whites at the local level. However, the other races love caucasian ismitis. as it works to disarm and subordinate their competitors, or sexual targets. The Marxist played their cards well and were absolutely correct in their calculation of western societies' Achilles ''heel''.

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ancientsea 5 years ago

@VaperGamer: sexISM, racISM, fascISM, masogonISM.....ad nauseum

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UnwillingVillian 5 years ago

"Just get a DOLL!" If you're viewing this channel, I think you already know who I just quoted...

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One_Ronin 5 years ago

I am in a major city in Western Canada . Sandman is bang on with his assessment of Canadian women.

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