SIMPIN - RedKnight

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Published on 09 Mar 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Toki 11 months ago

Way late to the game here. This guy could be smashing 11/10 dark elves in Honey Select. Instead he's chasing Wal-mart shoplifters going after weave and pregnancy test kits.
I guess it took me about 12 whores to finally realize how I was wasting my time. Much better to have your own virtual harem that aren't voting, on social media Tweeting, in the workplace anywhere, not visiting STD doctors, Planned Parenthood, or dumpster diving for fake hair. Learn 2 mod your own women and sculpt your own goddesses like a Titan creating the Earth. We have the technology.
Let's start with a suggestion here for black man seeking dark elf - Olga Discordia. One of my personal Honeys modded to my preference. When I want some dark meat she's a good one. Her hair is more natural than what exists in reality lol. Better hair than Caucasian/Asian women in real life. But the sexy figure and cute face? No contest. Real women are ancient history to me. Also a mention for having incredible fashion sense. A quite bit slutty to be sure, but she certainly has the figure to show off.
If you're a human male nobody cares about you in reality anyways. So why bother having a social life and worrying about image? The only allies you have are other celibate men who aren't out the manipulate you for resources required to rent women. Seriously I've learned I can not trust men who are involved with women at all. The only people I can trust are the few celibate men I know. They also happen to be the most intelligent and worth having a conversation with. Most people in my area are Dumbphone zombie slaves glued to their self-harming interests like election results. While at work I have to listen to my coworkers cuck themselves talking about handing over their paychecks to their wives. Unlike them I have all the free time to enjoy my hobbies. While avoiding raising a future tax slave for the corrupt State and Fed. They can import migrants who will drag them out of the palaces and onto the guillotines. We need to fix that problem before worrying about women, sex, and reproduction. As of now you're a stallion creating more livestock for those who own the land you live on and pay taxes for. Waifus do not produce more children to suffer in the imminent future thank God.
Meanwhile you hear about this whole cringe Russia/Ukraine thing. All driven by simp soldiers on both sides who are desperate to attain a wife. Tournament mating team deathmatch. Too many males, not enough females. But the ruling aristocrats just hog all the women in their harems anyways. Why would you even want them? Like male black widow spiders walking to the slaughter for mating purposes. Are you your own man, or just food?

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sauger1001 11 months ago

Justice: Served.
Way to DTB (Leykis).

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RedKnight 11 months ago

yep, may he continue his righteous path :D

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