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My Life As A Navy Pilot Post Operation Storm To Iraq.

Published on 07 Mar 2023 / In Film & Animation

Inspired by Chuck Yaeger as a kid who got bulled badly by young cant understand normal thinking sorority slurs, Inlisted in NATRACOM/Naval Air Training Command. Finally graduated in 1982 and was statationed in guam in Aug.1989. In 1991 me and my co-pilot robby were assigned to A6 Squadron 507, As I was ready to take off. I suddenly herd and felt explosive banging grinding and swivling noises in my right engine turning that a crewman had got sucked in and I slammed my throttle back immediately, Luckly he survived. I made this video to share my story as a military veteran myself and a shoutout of thanks to @Crusader Nate.

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Researched this thoroughly - in he went, hit the "Disk" - was saved by his helmet and jacket - and got spat out through an access hatch.

You can seen him get thrown out about 1/2 way along the plane, from underneath at 44 - 45 - 46 seconds...

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