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My MGTOW & RedPill Family: they only believe in fairytales!

Published on 14 Oct 2020 / In People & Blogs

⁣My MGTOW & RedPill Family: they only believe in fairytales!

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#fairytales #fairytale #makebelieve #MauriceLovellWilson #TheMasterofBluePillDisaster #MGT #RedPill #SYSBM

Guys, I was homeless believing that she loved me; Here's the proof:
DON'T let it happen to you!

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The T-shirts I wear are $25/$32. Check more of the racy attire out at

P.S. Last but not least: check out the first chapter of my upcoming book, A Juicy Tale @ If you dig the first chapter, buy my other three ebooks, It's All Good, Juicy, and Juicy: The Caged-in Animal for $25. I can be reached by clicking on the icons at the top of the website.

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Furioso 4 years ago

This is why you can't make them happy ,they can't choose between the beta and the alpha guy .The dominant alpha make their pussy wet but do little or nothing for them and the beta try to do his best but make their pussy dry ,she will always demands more and she will make rules .This is why they chase the alpha type in their teens early twenties and the beta type in her thirties and after ,she will use the beta for security and will continue to fuck alphas behind the beta's back if there is an opportunity.With social medias and dating apps ,they have tons of opportunities today .Don't get married ,don't fall in love ,don't be a cuck ,focus on your purposes and shake hookers asses sometimes but don't give any personnal informations to them and you'll be fine ,you can buy also a sexdoll ,a sexbot ,a sextoy or use your favorite hand but not to much ok .Remember gents ,all women are whores because of the hive mind mentality and societal acceptance ,feminism have exposed them .If you want to raise kids ,adopt orphans or wait upcoming artificial wombs .Women are toasted and they don't realize it yet .Mgtow is the only way to live for men in this fucked up era .

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Bobby_Onii_Chan 4 years ago

The blue pill disaster sounds like my life history until about 10 years ago when I discovered MGTOW._.

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