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My #MGTOW / #RedPill #Cronies | The Serpent knew not to ask #Adam -- #thehomie !

Published on 01 Feb 2021 / In Film & Animation

⁣Adams's response would've been: ask me that #dumbass question again, and I'ma make shoes out of you.
#MauriceLovellWilson #TheMasterofBluePillDisaster #TheMGTOWPoet #TheMGTOWGuyWithALife
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DON'T let it happen to you!
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P.S. Last but not least: check out the first chapter of my upcoming book, "A Juicy Tale" @ If you dig the first chapter, buy my other three ebooks, "It's All Good", "Juicy", and "Juicy: The Caged-in Animal" for $25. I can be reached by clicking on the icons at the top of the website.

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JavierMgtaoism 4 years ago

There is massive sexual innuendo in Genesis 3 but no detail. People can get all sorts of ideas. The moral of the story in Genesis 3 is that men must always keep their guard up when with women because women will usurp their position given by God. When Eve ate the fruit she did not do it to get at Adam but at God. She wanted to 'be like god' and to this day women still want to be worshipped. Look how crazy women go posting selfies and downloading videos of them doing nasty things. Beauty can be a blessing or a curse, it all depends on the condition of the heart. Most women today are not truly God fearing. When the disciples ask about the end times, Jesus said, "...plagues..." most think of physical illness but feminism is a mental plague that has done more damage than Covid 19. Feminism is a sign of the end.

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