My Observations
Published on 04 Feb 2023 / In
Film & Animation
Maybe just me
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Remember the money is THEIR funny money so I don't really give a sit what they do with it as long as I have something to eat and a Tank of gas/Petrol, mind you that looks like it will be a thing of the past soon as well. My mindset isn't evolved around money of debt in anyway so neither have been a problem for me since 2007. And do you know most of the crap we hear about doesn't effect me in any way or form!
Chip in hand or forehead. Just like the Bible says. In Sweden now.
I do a mix of cash and credit cards mostly credit cards, but I have been moving to using gift cards more and withdraw my use of credit cards online. I reduced myself to using only one credit card online and am in the process of paying off my other credit cards. I had a plan to pay off two cards this year inflation God willing.
Social outing is getting less healthy nowadays. The society is getting toxic too
Marxist Feminist society always denigrates competency, the slow "progress" to equity gives all the joyous equality of misery, of course the rulers retain their wealth and luxurious lifestyles. Own nothing and be happy, and for your identity, a tattoo on the forehead and a chip to monitor your social score will suffice. The thought police will be implanted....Enjoy the beer, I am drinking hard to celebrate clown world "luft" balloons over Montana....