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My opinions - Subconscious Statism, slavery and natural law

Published on 25 Jun 2020 / In People & Blogs

potentially contriversial. im here to enlighten. not be your echo chamber. i am here for men who want to grow and mostlt my cartharsis for my lack of life force

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John_Doe 5 years ago

I've watched Terrance Popp for years; nearly every video he's made. You mention in your video his wearing a T-shirt with "ARMY" printed on the front, then go onto say, "So obviously he's a military guy." On that basis, it tells me you have a limited experience of his videos, his views, and his philosophy; otherwise you'd already know he's a 33 year veteran of the Rangers and Special Forces.

I say this not to lend his views claims to authority due his veteran status. It's to highlight you're making assumptions about him from a very narrow viewing of his content. From a broader viewing you would have seen videos wherein he's attempted to steer young men away from military service, providing a rather unflattering first-hand perspective of the military.

He readily admits to it having been the right choice for him due to the circumstances into which he was born (single-mother household, no male role models, path in life looking like it was heading to becoming a petty criminal), but doesn't really recommend it or champion it if someone has other options. So in other words, he's not an indoctrinated, mindless grunt; he sees the military for what it is and knows better than any of us its shortcomings from first hand experience.

His claim that evil prevails has less to do with any military indoctrination and more to do with what he's witnessed with his own eyes; it's the stuff of nightmares. Some highlights:

He was responsible for security at Abu Ghraib for a stint (before the prison riots and attacks; nothing major went down during his tenure). He relates when the mass graves were inadvertently bulldozed up in the process of reinforcing the walls. Skeletons and decayed flesh, the stink of rotting corpses exposed by the excavation.

There was a wing of the prison in which tortures were conducted. When it was first entered he relates how they found skull caps from where they'd been sawed off, pieces of brain, desiccated body parts, dried blood splattered on virtually every surface dating from the time Saddam Hussein's regime tortured political prisoners there.

He relates how the Iraqi women who worked in the prison doing laundry for the military had their bus hijacked on the way home from the prison by insurgents. Every one of them was raped and brutally murdered for the "crime" of just trying to make a little extra money. He got to see the aftermath.

A pro-American Iraqi informant he worked with was eventually found out by the insurgents. They used a power drill to torture him, drilling through all the major joints of his body. Eventually murdered, he was then dismembered and beheaded. The head was placed on a stake outside his house. Popp got to be part of the cleanup crew to put the parts in a body bag.

There was the incident where insurgents who were setting up for rocket attacks on Abu Ghraib were taken out by Apache helicopters. He got to watch through binoculars as they were literally turned into pink mist. He also got to participate in cleaning up what little remained...with a shovel.

Then there was the time a military convoy came under attack. One of the vehicles was a fuel truck which exploded and was consumed by flames. He saw the driver inside burned alive. He relates how he saw the body twitch and had to be restrained by fellow soldiers preventing him from shooting the burning man in an attempt to put him out of his misery.

He was assigned a mission as part of the drug war in Columbia. While there a village of about 200 people refused to work for the local drug lord picking coca leaves for cocaine production. In retaliation, the drug lord had every man, woman, and child of the village gunned down in cold blood. He got to walk through that village to witness the aftermath. He was then the one responsible for calling down a laser guided bomb on the drug lord's mansion, killing every last person inside.

He's been witness to horrors you and I can't even imagine. And through it all those responsible - whether directly or indirectly - the powerful, the moneyed, the connected remain, continuing the cycle over, and over, and over during his military career of 33 years.

Should it be any wonder he's adopted the cynical view that evil prevails? It has nothing to do with indoctrination, brainwashing, or promoting an agenda on his part. It's because he's seen evil first-hand and, what's more, within the realm of his experience, it has grown rather than diminish.

If you think he's a Statist, it tells me you really haven't watched anywhere near enough of his content to form an informed opinion. He only just recently started posting on MGTOW TV; he has hundreds of videos on his YouTube channel spanning 7 years. Have you watched them all?

Of course, everyone is entitled to an opinion. However, there are opinions based on knowledge gained from a thorough review of the evidence and there are opinions based on an emotional response or an incomplete understanding of the person or subject under discussion. I leave it to you to judge which is more accurate.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

how do you make spaces? or

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John_Doe 5 years ago

@AmanleyLoad: I've discovered it only works if making an original comment. For whatever reason, MGTOW TV's posting app doesn't allow carriage returns or paragraph breaks in the replies. Annoying, I know.

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John_Doe 5 years ago

And in the original comment, it's by simply pressing the ENTER key that I achieve a carriage return.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

@John_Doe: lol mine posts. Well here is my block message lmao!!! I have watched his content but a lot of it is when going to sleep and its meshed up with like another 100 videos. I come from an understanding of whats causing all this and i never ever see terrence adr4ess the problem, how eever im not saying he is. This was not an attack on terrence. This was an light shone on a certain mind frame i see regularly. The fact he "thinks" evil is inherently because he has seen it abroad and on service tells me he has not come across natural law. not many people have. If you maintain the believe hate will always dominate you will always be stuck in the same system because you do not acknowledge the information to break that paradigm. I am not comming from ignorence on that perspective and then i could spin it around on to you which of course is unfair and narcissistic. As i said it was an opinion and if im wrong ill happily be wrong. its a way of learning and evolving. .

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

@John_Doe: oh, i said the brainwashing thing loosly btw cuz thats something that is suspicion rather than knowledge

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

my flaw, which i realise now, is that maybe commenting in pop i should have done a little research first? however its a nice triggering way to introduce natural law i suppose ???

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

@John_Doe: This comment system ;(. thinking back now i am starting to remember a few of his videos. AGAIN i am more than happy to look a fool and be wrong cuz i don't care. what i do care about is further understanding for either me or someone else. Sometime i can be rash, sometimes i can be calculated but at the same time i was feverishly making videos last night because i had a massive bout of migranes and insomnia. So i used that time to make like 100 videos. Only two of them made any sense because of my state of mind. This was one of them. Ill be posting the others soon i think. The problem is new age has made people turn away from vital knowledge and tools to regain our freedom and morality. The solution to that is neither me or terrences fault. We just gotta stop paying tax and that will be the beginning of a new era but that would only be born with the knowledge of natural law. Now im not saying i know everything. i bloody well don't but i definitely know some very very strange things

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