My Thoughts On Anti-MGTOW

Published on 03 Dec 2020 / In Other

⁣Watch this video sharing my thoughts on what Anti-MGTOW is.

IMPORTANT: A lot of this content in this video is my thoughts about Anti-MGTOW, and it does not reflect the Anti-MGTOW community as a whole.

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[Channel Intro Music]

Crusade Heavy Industry by Kevin MacLeod

Modifications: Soundtrack cut down to a 13 second segment (part of the original soundtrack used - 00:04:18-00:17:00), Fade in 1 second & Fade out 1.40 seconds

[Background Music Near the End of the Video]

Americana by Kevin MacLeod

Modifications: Soundtrack cut down to around 17 seconds, volume lowered, used Fade In and Fade Out

[Channel Outro Music]

Lord of the Land by Kevin MacLeod

Modifications: Soundtrack cut down to 12 seconds, Fade In 2.00s & Fade Out 1.16s

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Kamisama7 4 years ago

Yo I'm serious though guys he's just trolling. Y'all know the internet. Stop feeding the troll lol

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Makdiver201 4 years ago

I was married for 20 years. Now I am MGTOW. Good luck to you

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PRICK 4 years ago

All you anti-m.g.t.o.w can do is play cheerleader for a diseased society that attacks men for living for their OWN best interests. You try to force your traditional beliefs on men that REJECT your definitions of what a "REAL MAN" is, and what his duty is, and to whom is his duty to. Well... This society that you play cheerleader for has 80% of it's completed suicides coming from the male population. M.g.t.o.w suicide rate is ZERO. M.g.t.o.w is peace, quiet, acceptance of what IS, not what I wish it IS, and not being led through life by what's between my legs like a rat, or a cockroach. Breed, breed, breed, then die. No thanks... I'll rise above this filthy lower animal nature, and society of depravity.

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PRICK 4 years ago

You completely fail to understand what m.g.t.o.w is. M.g.t.o.w has NEVER been, is not NOW, nor will it EVER be a group of men working together toward ANY common goal. It IS a philosophy that is separate from it's practitioners, and works for the INDIVIDUAL man to the degree he applies it to his own life. You say m.g.t.o.w does nothing for men as a group, but fail to grasp that it works for ME. 1. No marriage, or cohabitation = No divorce, alimony, or false domestic abuse charges, and I get to keep my wages, savings, house, truck, and retirement without anyone stealing it legally through the courts. 2. Avoiding women, no sex, or very careful sex with recorded consent = No child support, and a reduced risk of a FALSE rape, or sexual harassment charge destroying my life. 3. Being quiet, polite, and strictly professional towards women, at work, and in real life further reduces my risks. Hide in plain sight. Ghost monk for life.

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BigBrianUK 4 years ago

And you've come to Mgtow's platform to spout this foolish shit!

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