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My Thoughts

Published on 14 Sep 2024 / In Film & Animation

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mrghoster 4 days ago

There art two streams of thought here? Do you race a Femon or a Guy. Well the femons cant fucking drive anyways, using the rear veiw mirror to them is for checking Fake up not what is behind you, so racing a femon is pointless for that reason. Then femon's are either frightened or will take you off the road and not take any responsibility if they wipe you out! lol!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 days ago

I would refuse to play a game with a femon, one there is no real competition, and the excuses and moaning would spoil the game for me

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mrghoster 4 days ago

@SoloMan Zone: The femon would become a Back seat Driver, and the only vehicle I would let a femon in the back of is a HEARSE! lol!

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mrghoster 4 days ago

I bet all the foreign cars were American or Italian Mind you I bet the British car selection was CRAP, Probably an Escort and a Hillman Imp were the only one's available seeing as hoe hi tech we Brit's are these day's.. I bet most of the "Z's and alpha's wouldn't know how to drive a PROPER car with no Electronics in it anyway, the art of adjusting Carbs and points is becoming a lost art form now? society has dug itself a massive tech pit that they won't be able to climb back out of, especially as all this tech does the thinking for these dopey CUNT's today? lol!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 days ago

People are lead by the nose these days

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mrghoster 4 days ago

@SoloMan Zone: Yep Buddy and with a fucking great INVISIBLE ring through that nose! lol!

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mrghoster 4 days ago

these games are aimed at childre about 25 years old, never been into games myself, /I did have the Colin McRey rallt game years ago but only because I was given it. talking of which I went to a carboot last5 Saturday as it was closing and a guy there that was going to dump a couple of hundred PC and xbox games he couldn't sell and said i could take what I liked for free, anyway I took about 50 or so as I thought a friends boy would like tghem but heard nothing yet, so I will probably take them to a charity shop? There are mainly Flight simulators and submarine stuff, I didn't bother with the fantasy games though. i picked up a couple of soccer Ps2 and PS 4 games as well, the DVD cases could be useful to me I guess?

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 days ago

The gaming industry was very inventive games and entertaining until femons got involved a few years ago, now they have all been feminized and are woke

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mrghoster 4 days ago

@SoloMan Zone: I think in the not to distant future even the WOOKE are going to get sick of WOKE, nature will find a way of redressing this negative woke environment that WILL shake humanity and all the fuck wits to the core, but sadly it's a waiting game for use with a brain! lol! It is getting harder to be patient!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 days ago

@mrghoster: Woke is unsustainable as everything it touches goes broke

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James1225 5 days ago

Tech low brow entertainment for the modern sapien, the woke future so equally miserable for all. Moroni the liquid gold to dull the horrors of reality, one dates oneself a dinosaur with the capability to operate a clutch, lol……

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 5 days ago

Video games use to be fun

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James1225 5 days ago

@SoloMan Zone: when you owned a physical and intellectual game independent of the internet.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 5 days ago

@James1225: Funny how they made games with no bugs and you owned it

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James1225 5 days ago

@SoloMan Zone: a dying world of good faith and trade, all talent and value bereft today and for the future…. We were lucky to have seen the world at it’s best in my opinion…

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