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My Tolerance for Brain Dead Shit has been Exceeded - see pinned comment

Published on 06 Jun 2022 / In Film & Animation

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It was a painful conversation.....

A package to me was addressed "Care Of" - and because of the distances and the routes, I had it on forwarded to another destination which was also "Care Of" - and somehow with the forwarding, the package should have arrived at destination No. 2. within a few days - now it was getting on towards a week and it was not getting tracked.

So he asks me for my home address - this has nothing to do with my home address.....

And so on and so forth.

It turns out that the "Care Of" destination No 1. had fucked up the on forwarding of the package, and they were beset by the plague called a seasonal flue...

So they had closed early and I had rung them about 4 or 5 times across the span of the day and they were not answering their phone....

And then when Prince Shit for Brains, asks me, "Would you like me to call them for you?" - I tell him, "They are not answering the phone". Then he asks me, "How do you know that?"

Sometimes, you just have to say, "Prince Vallium - I have had enough of your bullshit".

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